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  1. jr2857

    Lets see your unusual pets

    That's cute
  2. jr2857

    Bigger tank w/out reinforcing floors

    Ask the person who designed your house. And everyone i have NO school today.
  3. jr2857

    What is the best Tang?

    The most common type is the yellow closely followed behind by the regal.
  4. jr2857

    1000 posts...

    Yes now that you mention i do. Except nothing right now. I'm in the chess club at my school. I play basketball, baseball, and football. my sister rarely want to play with me. i play basketball by myself. football and baseball with friends but it's really cold out and my closest...
  5. jr2857

    Scuba or Snorkle pics... What was your best experience?

    First pic of seeing two sailfin in the same pic before must be a pair :thinking:
  6. jr2857

    Where is Mitzel Anyway?

    Now look who's getting me angry :mad:
  7. jr2857

    Scuba or Snorkle pics... What was your best experience?

    They're all so healthy :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:
  8. jr2857

    Where is Mitzel Anyway?

    Originally Posted by psusocr1 jr. why dont you just say i "think" mitzel is doing well... wasnt there justa post on how you always get peopel kicked off the board? think before you speak sometimes please It was THEIR decision to get themselves banned as ophiura said.
  9. jr2857

    1000 posts...

    If you want proof look at my posts. (except for days i get off on)
  10. jr2857

    1000 posts...

    most of my posts are after 3:00 (central time) when i get home from school. on weekends i have chinese school saturday and sometimes post 6:00 p.m. and sometimes don't post on saturday cause i'm going to a friend's house. on sunday i post throughout the day but not all day, like for 10 mins...
  11. jr2857

    Where is Mitzel Anyway?

    I think he is Mile_high
  12. jr2857

    Lets see your unusual pets

    jdragunas did you even bother to look at the thread?
  13. jr2857

    RIP My Atlantic Blue Tang

    I would love to see some pics of him alive. Sorry if it brings back memories
  14. jr2857

    BEST aquarium in the US!

    Is that in Atlanta? The second biggest aquarium (single tank) is in Japan at more than 1,000,000 gallons with 3 whale sharks
  15. jr2857

    Scuba or Snorkle pics... What was your best experience?

    Nice pics. is that last one an oversized panther grouper or a coney grouper? I saw and animal planet where one of those groupers bit a guy's arm while he was snorkling without air tanks with the normal ones. he almost drowned
  16. jr2857

    BEST aquarium in the US!

    Originally Posted by Unknown I Love It AND YES that is a WHALE SHARK, thats right you read it right WHALE SHARK Got any idea what tank size that is?
  17. jr2857

    A few pictures of my tank

    We had a half today
  18. jr2857

    Latest shots of my 180

    Aboslutely Astounding