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  1. ckehl

    Thomas....take a look...

    same here symon, i dont like how mine doesnt have bubbles
  2. ckehl

    Bad pic of my 120 suggestions please

    more fish?
  3. ckehl

    How could this fish still be alive?

    I've never seen a copepod in my tank so I have no idea what to look for, but I'm not about to jeapordize a mandarine life for my own pleasure.
  4. ckehl

    How could this fish still be alive?

    I know, but I was thinking that if my tank can produce supple amounts of zooplankton, maybe it is doing the same with copepods.
  5. ckehl

    How could this fish still be alive?

    He is one of the coolest fish in my tank because he only comes out every so often, it's like a treat to see him. Therefore, no pictures yet, but I'm going to get some soon. My tank has only been up since December, but I guess I must've done something right :thinking: If he can survive, think a...
  6. ckehl

    How could this fish still be alive?

    I own a purple queen anthias and it has never eaten any fish food I've put in the tank. I've had him for a few weeks thinking he wouldn't survive because he never eats, but he must be getting some form of food as he is alive and kicking.
  7. ckehl

    do i still have enough space for 5 green chromis?

    my percs are perfectly normal as well as the cinnamon, but my gsm is picky. he attacked the cinnamon everyday when i first added him, but now they seem to get along. my tanks been up since december, so its been up for a few months, and my eel is pretty well mannered, so do you all think it...
  8. ckehl

    Is it normal for one maroon clown to host two different anemones?

    My golden striped maroon clown used to live in my BTA and not bother with the Florida Condy, but now he switches between the two. One minute he'll play in one and the next he'll be in the other. Is this normal?
  9. ckehl

    do i still have enough space for 5 green chromis?

    i have a 72 gallon with 100 lbs live rock, here is my current roster: 2 peppermint shrimp numerous snails and hermits 3 turbo snails 9 emerald crabs 1 coral banded shrimp 2 sally lightfoot crabs 1 snowflake eel 2 false percs 1 goldenstriped maroon clown 1 cinnamon clown 1 purple queen anthias 1...
  10. ckehl

    can i feed my SFE everyday?

    just wondering.. thought it might help deter him from my shrimp
  11. ckehl

    i hear the emp 400 is a nitrate factory.. what should i use as an alternative?

    i cannot have a sump/fuge.. i have this, an excalibur protein skimmer, 70lbs LR, and 40lbs LS if I take this filter off, what can i replace it with?
  12. ckehl

    video of my 4 month old tank.. how do I get my water to be clearer?? I'm currently running with: 1 Emperor 400 Biowheel Filter 1 Excalibur Protein Skimmer 2 Maxijet 1200 Power Heads 2x250 Watt Metal Halides 70 lbs live rock 40 lbs live sand 1 GSM 2 False percs (raised from uncw) 2 Peppermint Shrimp 1 Coral...
  13. ckehl

    sort of off topic, lets see some pics of your aggressive fish tattoos

    i'm thinking about getting a lionfish or an eel and i just wanted to get some ideas
  14. ckehl

    what are the basic requirements to keep elegant coral?

    nvm.. after a quick search ive decided against it
  15. ckehl

    Glaucus atlanticus - is this nudibranch able to be kept in our aquariums?

    That's a shame, nudibranchs are insanely cool.
  16. ckehl

    Clarkies 2nests Huh!

    I can't understand what you are saying..
  17. ckehl

    Glaucus atlanticus - is this nudibranch able to be kept in our aquariums?

    This thing is fascinating and if it's possible, I will have one.
  18. ckehl

    quick question 2: can lionfish get ich?

    ?? ohhh bethh
  19. ckehl

    i want to get an eel, but i need to cover my tank.. how?

    i cant have glass because of my metal halides.. if i did have glass.. greenhouse effect would occur and the temp would skyrocket
  20. ckehl

    quick question: can eels get ich?

    thanks beth, knew i could count on you :cheer: