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  1. trillionaire

    Wierd behavior

    I have a Lunare Wrasse in my tank with my Volitan Lion. When I usaully walk up to the tank the fish continue to act normal. Yesterday I had on a bright green shirt and when I walked up to the tank the lunare wrasse went crazy darting back and forth and then hiding under the rocks. I didn't...
  2. trillionaire

    Lionfish is eating

    I started out feedin him silversides but he wouldn't eat them. Then after trying that for a week I fed him a goldfish. Then I kept trying silversides and mysis shrimp but he still wouldn't eat then I fed him another goldfish. Then I didn't put anything in the tank for about a week and fed him...
  3. trillionaire

    Lionfish is eating

    I had almost given up on my Lionfish eating anything but goldfish. I've had him about a month now and the other day he started eating frozen food. Now he eats any frozen food I put in there.
  4. trillionaire

    What's The Most You Have Ever Spent On A Fish

    $55 for my Volitan Lion
  5. trillionaire

    Scratches be gone

    I have an acrylic tank and it has some pretty bad scratches on it. I ordered a scratch removal kit and it got some of them out but alot of them still remain. It's looks bad enough to make me want to get rid of the tank. Does anyone know of a company that refurbishes tanks (if there is such a...
  6. trillionaire

    What's the difference

    Can you tell the difference, visually, between a Harlequin Tusk from Australia and one from the Indian Ocean? Are there any other differences like aggresiveness, hardiness, or size?
  7. trillionaire

    Picking a tank, what height and width

    My tank is 41 " high. Maintenance is a pain. I have to get on a step ladder to work on it because the stand, tank, and canopy equal 6'4". I can't reach the bottom of the tank even when on the ladder.
  8. trillionaire


    Oh I know the feeling. I have one leak that I could never stop. It's a slow leak from one of the bulkheads on the bottom of the tank. It drips directly into the sump so I just left it alone.
  9. trillionaire

    feeding lionfish live food

    I've seen a few ads in catalogs for products that allow you to hatch live brine shrimp. Has anyone tried these? Are they any good for the health of a lionfish?
  10. trillionaire

    feeding lionfish live food

    Well I've had my lion for a week now and he still won't eat. He has only ate once since I had him and that was a goldfish. My lfs (there is only one around here) doesn't sell mysis or ghost shrimp. I'm even sure what they look like. I'm going to try another type of frozen food.
  11. trillionaire

    Will they get along

    I've got a 220g tank. Right now it just has a volitan lion in it. I want to add a Harlequin Tusk next followed by a Blue Jaw trigger, Humu Humu Trigger, Lunare wrasse, and a Clown trigger. Is this to many triggers for my tank? Will my Harlequin Tusk and my lunare wrasse fight?
  12. trillionaire

    feeding lionfish live food

    What are ghost shrimp? Where can you find them?
  13. trillionaire

    When should I worry

    I've had my volitan lion in my 220g tank since Wednesday. He is there by himself. He seems to be acting Ok but he hasn't ate since I've had him. I've tried all the tricks listed in other posts. The only food I've tried are silversides. I'm tempted to go buy some damsels and use them as...
  14. trillionaire

    What order to add fish

    Well my 220g tank has finished cycling. I want to add the following fish Humu Humu Trigger, Volitan Lion, Kunare Wrasse, Snowflake EEl, Clown Trigger, and a Harlequin Tusk. What order should I add them in? Thanks.
  15. trillionaire

    Large Tank Prices (150gal +) ???

    I paid $1400 for my 220g acrylic, with stand, canopy, wet/dry, cannister. I got it off ----. Of course I've dumped about another $1400 for the skimmer, sand, salt, powerheads, lights, etc.
  16. trillionaire

    Water level in wet/dry

    I have a standard wet/dry with the bio-balls on the left and the sump on the right. The bio-balls have a tray under them that keeps them about four inches above the bottom. My question is am I supposed to keep the water level below the balls? Or can I fill it all the way to the top (doesn't...
  17. trillionaire

    berlin skimmer

    I just go tmy berlin turbo yesterday. I hope I have the new pump.
  18. trillionaire

    How Much Money Do You Have In Your Aquarium

    Well I stopped counting at about the $3000 mark. I enjoy it more if I don't think about how much I spent on it.
  19. trillionaire

    How to cycle a 180

    I cycled my 220 g with about 14 cocktail shrimp. It worked great!
  20. trillionaire

    Skimmer for 220g tank?

    Do you thnik the Red Sea Berlin Turbo would be a good choice for my 220g tank. I want to go with the Turbo XL but it's to tall to fit under my cabinet and I don't want any eqipment outside of the cabinet. Also after reading prior post about the problems with the pumps that come with the turbos...