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  1. fishyg

    mushroom in a blender, I'm going to prove or disprove it

    Originally Posted by grubsnaek i just wonder what the f%ck happened to him. why would you start this thread knowing it would be a hit and just stop. jail possibly, dont know He probably has a life other than this site.
  2. fishyg

    I know I have lost my mind!

    I wish you all the luck, I think it is wonderful what you are doing. It is not an "experiment" , it is a fish tank for enjoyment. Good Luck!
  3. fishyg

    Common misconceptions on

    Originally Posted by GrouperGenius Who here has had a Tang grow to it's full size in a less than 6' tank? Who has had one grow to it's full size in a 12' tank? Who here has had a rock beauty grow to 14". A Queen Angel to 16". A Panther Grouper to 24". Who has had a Wrasse go from 3"-12" in their...
  4. fishyg

    Pygmy Angelfish in a 12 gallon

    No we do not work from the same computer, I do not know how my facility is setup as far as "IP" adresses but I will check that if you wish, unless you already know. I did not stick a gun to anyones head and tell them to put a fish in a 12 gal aquarium, I GAVE MY OPINION....anyway this is getting...
  5. fishyg

    Pygmy Angelfish in a 12 gallon

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Fishyg, you better check your house... someone is using your computer to post when you aren't looking. I say this because the IP address for "Infishwetrust" is the same as yours.... 2 things you need to know... First, setting up a fake account and posting will...
  6. fishyg

    Pygmy Angelfish in a 12 gallon

    Be careful of what you say here InFishWeTrust, you did not know it was against the law to have that fish in a perfect size tank? Oh, you are going to get hammered! BTW, I love your post.
  7. fishyg

    Common misconceptions on

    Originally Posted by ophiura I think "holier than thou" is often confused with people who genuinely don't feel "you," another hobbyist, has to make the same mistakes they made. That they have an opportunity to learn and yes to advance the hobby. This hobby has come a long way in recent years in...
  8. fishyg

    Pygmy Angelfish in a 12 gallon

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Fishy, you'll find this forum has a lot of great aquarists who care about the hobby, conservation, educating new hobbyists, and the well being of our pets. No one on this thread needs to "chill out" other then you. You told a new member to the forums completely...
  9. fishyg

    Common misconceptions on

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Good point. I'm gonna go buy a litter of puppies and leave them in my trunk. I mean, if they don't like it I'm sure they will tell me. The fish is your responsibility. You are obligated to provide adequate habitat for it. Your post on the Angel btw was...
  10. fishyg

    Common misconceptions on

    Originally Posted by crimzy Very well put. I can accept this... the only problem is that those with nominal experience, who were once given this advise, start flame wars based on these theories and think that they are true scientific guidelines. Crimzy, I agree with you 100%. Please read my...
  11. fishyg

    Pygmy Angelfish in a 12 gallon

    Some people just dont get it. What I am trying to say people is that there is nothing that can compare to the natural habitat of any fish. People act like it is a crime to put certain fish in certain size tanks. Yes I agree that certain fish will do better in larger tanks but I just cant get...
  12. fishyg

    Pygmy Angelfish in a 12 gallon

    Any size tank would just about be a 3 x 3 room to a fish that has billions of gallons of water. We are talking about fish here Dmitry not humans. And if the fish is not grateful for anything, like you stated, then what differance does it make if he is in a 12 or 100? BTW who said anything about...
  13. fishyg

    Pygmy Angelfish in a 12 gallon

    Would be better off in the ocean.
  14. fishyg

    Pygmy Angelfish in a 12 gallon

    Go for it
  15. fishyg

    Pygmy Angelfish in a 12 gallon

    Opposed to where the pygmy angel came from ( the ocean ) it wouldnt be happy or as healthy in ANY aquarium. Thats why I say go for it it is your money. It would probably be better in a 12 gallon aquarium than a 10 gallon with 20 fish at the pet store.
  16. fishyg

    Pygmy Angelfish in a 12 gallon

    Go for it, it is your money.
  17. fishyg

    When Can I get Corals?

    When you get lots of money!
  18. fishyg

    Post your lobster pics!!!

    Hey CK, get what you want man, it is your money. Besides, we all have put fish in aquariums and coming from billions of gallons of ocean water it is "torture" as some people call it even putting them in 600 gallon tanks. Go for it!
  19. fishyg

    Need Id Asap Help!!!

    Not sure here either, but does not look like a bristle worm.
  20. fishyg

    It's discouraging to ask a question and noone will answer it

    Ask The Question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!