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  1. brandiemay

    Odd pair

    Condy Anemones are white with occassional colored tips. I had one and my clowns never paid it any attention. I've read that it's very rare for them to host in a Condy, you got lucky.
  2. brandiemay

    Pics Of My 55 Gallon!!!!!

    Looks good. My fish like swimming through the holes, zig zagging in and out. Do your's do the same?
  3. brandiemay

    Need suggestions on fish

    Wish I had been sold a bigger tank The best book I've bought is Marine Fishes: 500+ Essential-to-Know Aquarium Species, written by Scott W. Michael. I bought mine at Barnes and Noble. Make a list of fish you like, check for compatibility, add the inhabitants to the tank least aggressive to...
  4. brandiemay

    domino damsel?

    Damsels should be called Devils ...They are aggressive and will stress your future inhabitants...I would not have added them in the beginning if I had been warned. After 3 hours of fishing I am left with 1 of 6 in my tank, he hid in the rock and survived being out of water.
  5. brandiemay

    Golden Head Sleeper Goby???

    I can look under my tank and see where my diamond goby is; His hole is down to the glass.
  6. brandiemay

    New Coral Beauty

    It took my Coral Beauty about a week before it would eat, and atleast a month before she would come to the front of the tank. She eats everything now, and really likes a garlic additive.
  7. brandiemay

    Gotta lazy Yellow Watchman Goby!

    My diamond goby stayed in his caves most of the time until I removed the damsels , I guess they were picking on him. My Niger Trigger "shifts" more sand than my goby.
  8. brandiemay

    It's Finally Ready

    I have a 75 gallon that about 6 months old. I started with two black and white percula clownfish, then added a orange diamond goby, and then a coral beauty and a niger trigger. I also plan on adding a yellow tang. Clean Up - I have 1 fire shrimp, 6 blueleg hermit crabs, 10 astrea snails, and 1...
  9. brandiemay

    Nitrate Problem

    My nitrates have remained at 20 since cycling, so I tested my (tap) water and it was 20. I don't have anywhere to put a RO unit so I'm going to start using distilled water for top off and water changes. Do you use tap water? Have you tested the water before adding it to your tank?
  10. brandiemay

    post your angels

    Here's my Coral Beauty. I've only had her in the tank about 1 month :cheer:
  11. brandiemay

    My first saltwater tank

    Originally Posted by teen not to good with corals being that i only have a fowlr, but isnt that a plate coral, not an anemone? :notsure: It does appear to be a plate, but I am no expert. However, if it is a plate it should be placed on the sand and not on rocks. The rocks will damage them.
  12. brandiemay

    My first saltwater tank

    Tank Looks nice. A solid background wouldn't take away from the inhabitants. BTW, I think that's Aiptasia beside your frogspawn.
  13. brandiemay


    Money cowries can go in a small tank, 10 gal +, but Tiger cowries need a large tank, 100 gal or more. How long are you keeping your lights on? I reduced my light cycle and quit using flake food and my brown went away.
  14. brandiemay

    Blenny or Goby? What Kind?

    I have an orangespotted sleeper goby and a scooter blenny, both of which are not considered the easiest fish because they do not readily accept any offered foods. The goby is very fun to watch ***) , he will take a mouth full of sand and either spit it to another location, if he's digging a...
  15. brandiemay

    What do y'all name your fish?

    Black & White Percula Clown - Nano Black & White Percula Clown - Lilo 4 striped damsel - Stripes Diamond Goby - Goby Scooter Blenny - Blenny Fire Shrimp - Piere Goldfish - Bonnie and Clyde :happyfish
  16. brandiemay

    Coraline algae

    I noticed something like that on my glass after about a month. The LFS said is was probably copepods. After purchasing Marine Invertebrates 500+ Essential to Know Aquarium Species they look similar to spiral tube feather dusters, pg 221. But I'm still not sure. I've just let them be, they are...