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  1. d0 thy d3w

    Wtb Live Rock Need Shipping

    get lace rock, or base rock...its WAY CHEAPER at 2.99 per pound u cant beat that..and it will be living in no time, plus u can still buy sum pieces of the premium nice lookin stuff, like fiji, or tonga, etc... find a snail the has sum coraline growing on its shell, scrape sum of it off next to...
  2. d0 thy d3w

    240g in wall shallow reef build

    Holy Crap man! that is the sweetest tank ever!!! Seaworld aint got $h!t on this! I'm guessin u spent like 5-10 grand just on dry supplies alone..Not including the fish, coral, rock,s, sand, etc....Thats just straight insane man! I actually took the time to read the ENTIRE thread...N all i have...
  3. d0 thy d3w

    star polpys--will they open?

    i would be willing to bet that most low end or maybe even high end fish stores dont use Ro water...because of the water bills...if they did use RO they would probably more rarely change the water..which is worse than not having RO water..especially with the massive bioload that they throw into...
  4. d0 thy d3w

    ordering from SWF

    do the corals on here have the same 75dollar thing as the fish?
  5. d0 thy d3w

    Snail Fight?

    today i witnessed my nass snail spraying out what appeared to be eggs..literally thousands of little tine egg shaped things..sum were stuck together with a sticky looking membrane..kinda like frog eggs....but not nearly as thick..and the goo stuff was clear...think they could be eggs?
  6. d0 thy d3w

    Dead Snail???

    well if the snail hasnt moved for a few days...pick it out of the water and smell it...if it has that smell of rotting dead fish..than it is say probably the same for clams
  7. d0 thy d3w

    can anyone id this?

    well what would u consider a "newer tank"? mine is over a year old... but if theyre benifical..than thats good!! cuz theyre spreadin
  8. d0 thy d3w

    convert freshwater tank to a saltwater?

    Originally Posted by ophiura Can you define "More and Bigger" fish? There is not a great deal of room in a 20g.... while this is true, she may only have like 1 or 2 fish in her 12 at the moment...adding a couple more to a 20 shouldnt hurt...i own a 20L...
  9. d0 thy d3w

    can anyone id this?

    sorry i cant get a pic cuz my camera sucks and theyre waaaay to small to take a pic of anyways....a few days ago i was lookin in my tank..and i noticed these little white things on a discarded hermit first glance they appeared to be barnacles..but im almost positive theyre i...
  10. d0 thy d3w

    Homemade frag bases.

    u can make a tank from plywood??? wouldnt it like...eventually rot and leak or sumthing?
  11. d0 thy d3w

    Yellow BTA , real or dyed ?

    well what are we gunna do? take u scuba diving and find one?
  12. d0 thy d3w

    hermit crab not happy? large hermits?

    i had a huge zebra a while back..the lfs wanted 8 bucks for it..but i got it for free...cuz the cashier made a misake and didnt charge me for it...i had it for about a month or two before it decided it needed a bigger shell..he just crawled out of his own one night..but i didnt have any bigger...
  13. d0 thy d3w

    Quality Priced Skimmers

    how big of a tank are u keeping?
  14. d0 thy d3w

    the non scientificness of cycling a tank

    yeah..i use the api test kit as always always no matter what, always says .25 amonia..its nothing to worry about..test ur other levels to see if ur tank is done cycling..ur algae problem is due to using water from the tap instead of R.O water...and leaving the lights on..tap water is...
  15. d0 thy d3w

    What about these???

    dont waste ur time on a say more than 90percent of them die in captivity..either from starvation, bad water quality, or being sucked into a filter and blended into nudi juice...which will poison ur tank....nudis are betetr left in the wild
  16. d0 thy d3w

    Help! Can you identify these?

    my first thought was iriconji <spelling? but i guess u got ur answer..if it was iriconji id say watch out..their hecka poisonous..theyre only fingernail size but they pack a wallop of deadly venom..
  17. d0 thy d3w

    OMG what happened to my CC star?

    idk what to tell u about the star..but ditch the air bubbles...they have no place in ur aquarium...the water gets ample oxygen if good water movement is u happen to know how much flow u have in ur tank? how old is ur tank...was it properly cycled? how big is the tank? stars need lots...
  18. d0 thy d3w

    coral preservation?

    hello..i am doing a project on the deteriorating corals of the world..for school..i need the names of sum organizations that help to preserve coral reefs...i cant find jack shi* (pardon my french) anyways..if u could shoot me a site or sumthing thru my email that would be appreciated..thanx in...
  19. d0 thy d3w

    Is This Bad?

    i cant tell for sure but kinda looks like aipataisa to me..if it is than kill it quick..theyre are many threads around on here about aiptaisa...i killed all of mine off a week or two ago...they spread like wild fire
  20. d0 thy d3w

    Pics of The New England Aquarium

    Originally Posted by cjason3041 what size tank do i need for a penguin? at least 1500gallons diet:fishes habitat:water and ice cannot tolerate excessive nitrates requires at least 450watts of MH to do photosynthesis! lol jk