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  1. terriel

    Unknown worm ?

    Well, hush my mouth, I guess you are correct. I had seen that picture on that thread before but never thought of a snail since it does not move from that one spot. But you have figured it out for me because that description was perfect. That webbing does make a mess. Thanks Viper :jumping:
  2. terriel

    Unknown worm ?

    It's not a snail, the brown circle that I think you might be thinking looks a snail shell is actually the covering on the hole in the live rock. When it is down in the hole, the brown circle is flush against the rock. I would think if it was a snail it would be moving around the tank, this...
  3. terriel

    Unknown worm ?

    I found two of these unknown critters on a mushroom rock I recently purchased. I assume it is a worm but have never seen more that the top of it to tell. It lives in a hole in the rock with what looks like a trap door. When I am messing in the tank or feeding the corals the top of it's head...
  4. terriel

    Newbie Brittle Starfish question

    Thanks for the quick reply. He resides in an invert tank only, few corals and a clean up crew. No fish to pick him off. I hope one of the hermits does not try and make a meal from him.
  5. terriel

    Newbie Brittle Starfish question

    I recently discovered a tiny white brittle starfish living in one of the LR in my 12G Nano. Now that I know what hole in the rock he seems to hang out around, I frequently see an arm or two come out. Two nights ago I was putting tiny pieces of mysis shrimp in my yellow polyps and button polyps...
  6. terriel

    Something Strange Going On

    If this is a newly set up tank, it could be diatoms or brown algea. It happened with my tank during it's cycle. It got really ugly and I just waited it out and it finally cleared away.
  7. terriel

    New still reserching need some Jedi Master of Saltwater guidance!!!

    There is some fantastic information in the FAQ section about different equipment and setting up a reef tank. You might want to check there
  8. terriel

    What is the longest a hitch hiker has remained hidden in your tank?

    Since I have set up my small reef tank and have spent many, many hours just sitting in front of the tank looking at the rocks (more time than I want to admit :joy: ) . My tank is a little over 4 months old and I thought I had seen every hitch hiker that came on my live rock until this evening...
  9. terriel

    Amphipods or Copepods?

    I am just a newbie so take what I say with a grain of salt. I recently set up a small reef, no fish, tank. I too did not see any amphipods or copepods for quite some time in the cycle. I did see the same things you saw, small feather duters, couple small star fish. However once my cycle was...
  10. terriel


    My LFS sold it to me when I purchased a rock with xenia on it and told me it was good for the little feather worms already on my live rock. I have noticed a large increase in my pod population since I have been feeding. However, that could just be a coincedience as I do not have any fish in...
  11. terriel


    Does anyone feed phytoplanton to the inhabitents of your tank. My LFS sold it to me for my filter feeders and I have been using it twice a week. The pods in the tank have gone crazy since I have started using it , they are running around everywhere even with the lights on. I have a 12G Nano...
  12. terriel

    Zoapolooza! Lets see those Zoos!

    Here are a few yellow zoos I picked up last week. Nothing special but I thouht they were pretty
  13. terriel


    I had 3 aipiasia and purchased a peppermint shrimp. He dispatched of them very quickly. I have a small 12 G nano tank so I was afraid to try Joe's Juice is such a small tank.
  14. terriel

    Zoo question

    Thank you, I will try and find a spot with less flow for them. The fish store sold mysis (spelling?) to me for the yellow zoos and told me to feed them maybe once a week a very small amount. I am assuming by your response and by other threads that some zoos, depending on the type, like a...
  15. terriel

    Something has spawned in my reef tank

    The peppermint is very new so you may have figured out my mystery. Thanks Bang Guy
  16. terriel

    Zoo question

    I picked up a tiny rock with some yellow zoos on it at a lfs this week and am wondering about placement in my tank. I have a 12G Nano cube and have them on the bottom but am wondering about the flow. In this little tank the flow is going pretty well all thru it. Do the zoos like a lot of flow...
  17. terriel

    Something has spawned in my reef tank

    I am sure that they are getting skimmed off as there are much fewer of them left this morning as there were yesterday. I was really just curious as to which creature in my tank had spawned these little things. I didn't know and was hoping if one of the seasoned reef folks on here had had one...
  18. terriel

    Something has spawned in my reef tank

    Any guesses what these little things could be?
  19. terriel

    Something has spawned in my reef tank

    Here are the best pictures I can get of these things. I took these pics with the pump off and no water movement.
  20. terriel

    Something has spawned in my reef tank

    No, they are defiently not bubbles, they actually do remind me of very little fish fry but they are hanging down from the surface like mosquito larvea. They twitch and wiggle and move down in the water but then return to the surface again. If I had any fish in this tank I would think they were...