Search results

  1. arandacole

    Converted to Reef.. BEAUTIFUL... no 56k..

    Your tank is amazing! Really beautiful. I love the pictures. What camera are you using? Also, I'd love to know the settings on the camera you used to get such a close up full tank shot. Thank you. Love, Aranda
  2. arandacole

    Mushroom Death

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 its a leather coral and very possible that it stung it Is there anything that we can do? TIA! Love, Aranda
  3. arandacole

    Mushroom Death

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 sounds like u have a leather next to it , its very possible that it stung it, i dont think it would hurt to try and move it This should show a picture of what we are thinking could have stung it Hmmm... Thank...
  4. arandacole

    Mushroom Death

    Hi there, Thank you for your response! Auburn is very hot, but we finally got a chiller last month so our temps are stable for the first time in a year. It was 7 inches long (2 shrooms) and 4 inches wide (these are VERY conservative) and now it's about 2.5 inches long and 1.5 inches wide...
  5. arandacole

    Mushroom Death

    Hi there, Sorry, dh stand for dear (or something) husband. We are starting to think that it was a coral next to him. We have added nothing else other than changing the salt. We did add a nice large mushroom rock a bit ago, but the other mushrooms look great.. I do not currently have a picture...
  6. arandacole

    Anyone ever order corals on-line

    I placed one large(ish) order from here. The 2 mushrooms that I ordered (7$ a piece) both died, but the Zoo's I ordered were amazing. I have not had 100% success from here, in fact I would say I had about 45% success, but I have to say, I do not think it was, I think that it was me and...
  7. arandacole

    Mushroom Death

    Thank you. I just read this to my dh and he said that he has consistently has the salinity at 1.020-1.022 for over a year. I'm not sure is this could be it, but we are definitely keeping it in mind. Thank you so much. This really is a mystery. Love, A
  8. arandacole

    Please check out my post

    in the Coral section titled "mushroom death". I do not get it and would appreciate your help. Thank you. Love, Aranda
  9. arandacole

    Mushroom Death

    We have had this mushroom for 1 year and it is at least 3 years old. All of a sudden is shivielled up and looked like it was dying. We put it in our sick tank and it's definately dying. All of our other mushrooms (and everything else in our tank) looks great... what could it be? Our water is the...
  10. arandacole

    Help get temp down

    Any fan will work. A desk sort of fan will work great. I took the glass off of one side and put the fan on top of the glass on the other side. Another thing I did was float frozen RO water bottles in the sump or the main tank. I did end up getting a chiller though after a year of screwing around...
  11. arandacole

    Can you remove a mushroom from a rock

    without hurting it? We purchased a multi color mushroom rock and the orange mushroom is getting covered up. TIA! Love, A
  12. arandacole

    Camera Shopping ISO pics

    Here is a link to pictures I've taken with my Kodak Z650 camera. Love, Aranda
  13. arandacole

    Chiller Question

    Hi there, I'm finally breaking down and buying a chiller. I have a 90 gallon tank that does not get below 80 degrees (w/o heater) once the temps reach the high 70's or low 80's. In the summertime I had to run my AC 24/7 and my PG&E went from 80 or so a month to over $300 a month. We still had to...
  14. arandacole

    Lighting question

    Bumping myself in case anyone has any ideas :-)
  15. arandacole

    Lighting question

    Hello, Currently I have a 90 gallon tank. It has 2 sets of lights on it (pc - 10,000/400something) made from Current/Smartpaq. They are 96 watt each. I was considering looking into MH, but think I'll have to wait until I can replace my hood as I only have 6.5 inches from bottom of it to the...
  16. arandacole

    where to purchase copepods

    Hi there, The tank is 90 gallons... we have approx. 100 lbs (and that's a really low estimate we think) of lr. We're looking into making a fuge.. but cannot do it at this point... Thanks again! Love, A Originally Posted by hagfish It's really almost impossible to feed them with those little...
  17. arandacole

    where to purchase copepods

    Thanks everyone! It is for a Mandarin that my husband purchased without researching and he's starting to lose weight already. I've never seen any pods in our tank - ever. We've (HA!) made 2 unresearched purchases.. <sigh> Big lesson learned. TIA! Love, A
  18. arandacole

    Purchasing Copepods

    Hi, I don't know if it's allowable to ask this.. but here goes (I think it is, I think it's just the link that isn't allowed) Can anyone tell me where to purchase copepods? All I have found so far is sites that sell them for $75.00. Seriously? They are that expensive? Holy Moly! I really need...
  19. arandacole

    Whats your oldest fish?

    My Maroon Clown and Yellow Tang came with my tank... I've only had them for 6 months, but my MIL had them for 5-6 years. Love, A
  20. arandacole

    I just bought another sailboat!!!

    Originally Posted by TX Reef Should I name my new boat the same as my old one, or come up with a new name? I think it should have it's own name. Nice boat! Love, A