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  1. captainemo

    What is this goby?

    I have been googling. It is probably a convict blenny.
  2. captainemo

    What is this goby?

    I bought a goby at my LFS. It was about 1" long, black with yellow vertical stripes. It looks almost like an eel. It was supposed to be fully grown, but now it is at least 3.5" long or longer. It eats anything and burrows in the sand under the rocks. I can't really get a good picture of him...
  3. captainemo

    Are Mysis Enough

    I am thinking I should give him away.
  4. captainemo

    Are Mysis Enough

    I have a Mandarin Goby. I have had it for about six or seven months. It will eat frozen mysis. It is starting to look thin. Are mysis enough? I would presume that there is not enough natural food in the 39 gal. tank. What are your thoughts?
  5. captainemo

    Split In Two?

    I think my Florida Condi split in two. It sure looks like there are two separate anemones now. It was spread out in an odd position this morning. I looked at it and it seemed to have moved. When I look closer, either it has taken up some advanced for of yoga, or it is now two. Is this a...
  6. captainemo

    Getting out....Ohio

    Just to let you know, almost everyone survived the transfer. Lost a few snails and the CBS.
  7. captainemo


    I got mine at HD for $11.
  8. captainemo

    Worms at night?

    I have them too. Sometimes more than others.
  9. captainemo

    Florida Condi On Roids?

    My other anmeone has been in my tank over a year. It is doing well. I think this one will stand a pretty good chance. It was small at the LFS and doubled in size in my tank in a day or two. I just found that strange.
  10. captainemo

    Florida Condi On Roids?

    Here are some pictures. My lights give it more of a blue color. It is whitish. The "fingers" on it are as long as my own. The body is clear/white and the foot is bright red/orange. Is it a Florida Condi or something else?
  11. captainemo

    Pink Tip Haitian Anemone

    Mine eat silversides too.
  12. captainemo

    Florida Condi On Roids?

    I added a nice anemone to my tank over the weekend. It was advertised as a Haitian and it, for the most part, looks like one. It moved into a place where it seems happy and eagerly takes food. My question is, how big will this thing get? It seems to have doubled in size in four days. It...
  13. captainemo

    new clownfish question

    It takes clowns awhile to get adjusted I think. Mix it up. They will eat something.
  14. captainemo


    Originally Posted by Jessi P How difficult is it to cut with tin snips? Can a fairly strong woman do it myself? Or will I need to drag the other half from his cave? I just spit coffee all over my monitor. That was funny!
  15. captainemo

    Is A Haitian Safe?

    I have had some sort of rock anemonie now for a year. He moves from time to time and eats well. There has been no contact between it and any of my percs or tomatoe clowns at all. I saw a beautiful, healty anemonie at the LFS today. It's a haitian and it looks great. Does it pose any sort of...
  16. captainemo

    I thought cleaners were immune!!

    Oh boy. Before I found this place I served many a shrimp dinner to those in my tanks.
  17. captainemo

    Clown fish probs

    My oldest clown did that before he died. The other clown stopped eating after that. I have other clowns. Two that "host" the heater and two tomatoes that have there own area in the rear of the tank in my office.
  18. captainemo

    Fla. Condi has attached herself to a hermit crab

    Like an anemone mobile home.
  19. captainemo

    Multiple Clown Fish?

    I have a pair of tomatos and pair of percs at work. They stay on opposite sides of the LR and hardly ever interact. They each have their own spot.
  20. captainemo

    Upping the Watts - Any Concerns?

    And a green Kenya Tree.