Search results

  1. joebob7

    HELP!!!! Hammer coral is dying.....

    Don't throw it away! Usually one of the heads will be more hardy and grow back. It's still a loss but it's not totally dead.
  2. joebob7

    Omg What Is This Thing

    Originally Posted by saltn00b do a search for a elephant slug. same thing as scutus, i posted a write up on one i had in my tank for about 2.5 years and 2 tank moves. i havent seen it 6 months or so now so i fear it finally may have passed. I wouldn't dismiss him as dead, i"ve had my 55...
  3. joebob7

    Dead Goby

    An anemone wouldn't have killed him. but, if the urching is looking bad too then it's probably something that was in the water. Anything different about your recent water change?
  4. joebob7

    Lionfish clear stomach??!!!

    Hmm interesting how no one answered his question, just said to feed different food to help with the color. Seriously?
  5. joebob7

    Can anyone ID this spider web stuff

    If it's not a worm I would try directing a powerhead toward it. I had some similar stuff on live rock a long time ago that blew away in flow and never shower back up again.
  6. joebob7

    4 inch hippo tang in 8 gallon tank

    "Do a good turn daily!" oh and, poor fish....
  7. joebob7

    over run by trees

    Use a big syringe with boiling water, This kills just about anything if it's hot enough. BTW what is a tree coral, the leather tree coral or an x-mas tree coral?
  8. joebob7

    Should I re-seal an 8 year old tank?

    I had the same concern with an old 55 gallon I have. So i cleaned the tank out and scraped off all of the sealant i could reach. Then i resealed with aquarium sealant. It was easy and has been working for the last few months.
  9. joebob7

    The Rarest Tang?

    Angelfish=not tang
  10. joebob7

    picos and placement

    on your deck? Or do you mean desk? I don't think fish would be affected in any negative way by wave-like motions. As long as the water isn't sloshing out of the tank.
  11. joebob7

    separating species from one rock?

    i think your best bet would be to cut a few small frags of the other species and hope that they all survive somewhere else.
  12. joebob7

    New Fragin Project.

    fishstick4sale has a pretty nice rack... hehehe
  13. joebob7

    Anyone hunt Coyotes out there?

    Are you asking me? If so, nope, there is no season or bag limit for these suckers where I'm at.
  14. joebob7

    Anyone hunt Coyotes out there?

    I'm shooting an M1 Carbine, it's great because there's no exit wound (And a 15 round clip for those days when my aim is off!) I was shooting an 8mm mauser (a G43, WWII German assault rifle almost) but ditched it because it was waaaay overkill. And yeah, that's me in the picture.
  15. joebob7

    Tang Spearing?

    Originally Posted by joe____17 Because people love to make money! Thats why / I was just thinking the same thing! I say we all go an a vacation and bring back dozens of them!
  16. joebob7

    Anyone hunt Coyotes out there?

    T316- When I go we take a rabbit ditress handheld call and just sit in a place where there isn't too much brush under a tree or behind a bush and where we can see quite a way out. Then we call sparingly for about 15 min and if none show up by then we get out. When we went yesterday we had a...
  17. joebob7

    Anyone hunt Coyotes out there?

    "Residents need no license to take unprotected furbearers. There is no closed season or bag limit on unprotected furbearers or unprotected species." Thank you large Coyote population. here are the pics, though they might be a little small...
  18. joebob7

    Anyone hunt Coyotes out there?

    Wow I'm glad there are so many hunters out there! The great part about coyote hunting here in NM is that there is no bag limit or season and they are unprotected so you don't even need a hunting license to get them!
  19. joebob7

    Anyone hunt Coyotes out there?

    I do! I just started, and my dad and I just got my first kill this last weekend! I thought i might share some picture of the hide. Can anyone tell me if it is against the rules to show the trophy photo? He was 61" long when wet but shrunk to 59" after being cured. Sorry if anyone is...
  20. joebob7

    Jruberti's 55 Gallon

    looking great! what kind of lighting do you have over it?