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  1. ahmoser

    lfs Asheville, NC?

    Just moved to Asheville, NC. Anyone know a good lfs? Thanks!
  2. ahmoser

    Mandarin eating frozen food!

    How long have you had them?
  3. ahmoser

    Mandarin eating frozen food!

    I have read that before and am prepared to do so if I need to. It looks like a great way to produce pods. Thanks for your reply, I had not thought that it would stop eating frozen food if introduced to pods. Thanks!
  4. ahmoser

    Mandarin eating frozen food!

    I just saw a Mandarin eagerly eat a mix of frozen mysis, brine, and reef plankton at my lfs(all of which I currently feed my tank). I think I'm going to try her in my 29 biocube. I am sure I will get flamed for this bigtime, but she is very healthy and fat and like I said she was eating very...
  5. ahmoser ricordeas

    I just got a 7.99 green one this week, its not very big, about a nickel like was said earlier.
  6. ahmoser

    Pics of my Biocube 29 mods and stock

    Yes the back is completely full!
  7. ahmoser

    Pics of my Biocube 29 mods and stock

    What do you mean by the tank crashing or failing? Tank crashing is caused by hasty decisions and stocking too much, too quickly, and poor water quality. This setup will not CAUSE the tank to crash or fail. My heater is fully submerged, I don't know the answer to that question.
  8. ahmoser

    29 Biocube--A Work in Process

    I'm also interested in the candy cane lighting info!
  9. ahmoser

    Clown goby question

    Will 1 be ok with my 6 line wrasse? The 6 line is good with my clowns and bicolor blenny, and has not caused any problems! Thanks!
  10. ahmoser

    Pics of my Biocube 29 mods and stock

    If you do what I did, the water level will be WAY above the maximum line!
  11. ahmoser

    stocking with pods??

    I was interested in doing the same thing, and I did some research, and this is what I plan to do. It is information on how to culture copepods and rotifers. I'll keep everyone updated as I should begin in about two weeks. I don't know if they will allow this info but here is a website. If...
  12. ahmoser

    My 29 gal

    How is the Mandarin doing? I reaaaaaally want one in my 29, but everyone says it cannot sustain enough pods and they will starve. Whats up? :thinking:
  13. ahmoser

    Pod reproduction

    Well, I'm going to give it a shot. Is there any food that the pods feed on, I am thinking I need to suppliment with something, maybe phytoplankton? Will they feed on the chaeto?
  14. ahmoser

    Pics of my Biocube 29 mods and stock

    In the first pic, do you see the red area I drew in? That is what I cut in order to allow the entire back to fill up! The filter is just an Aqua Clear filter insert foam. It just catches everything before it gets into the back. This has solved a lot of problems I was having with the water...
  15. ahmoser

    Pod reproduction

    Yes, but can they be raised in a small tank by themselves, with live rock, maybe some pvc or something for them to hide and gather in? I am talking about a tank JUST to raise pods. Is that possible anyone?
  16. ahmoser

    Reef safe urchins?

    Are purple, pincushion, or pencil urchins safe for soft corals?
  17. ahmoser

    New Aqaurium

    Yes I have a 50 watt heater, it fits in the first chamber on the right in the back.
  18. ahmoser

    Firefish question

    Thanks for all the input guys, they aren't for my biocube, but after all this info, I think I will add 1 purple to my biocube!
  19. ahmoser

    New Aqaurium

    RO means "reverse osmosis". It is a very pure water. I would suggest you take everything VERY slow and do some reading in the archives on this site and maybe get a beginner's book, thats waht I did!
  20. ahmoser

    Pod reproduction

    What do pods need to survive and reproduce? Do people use smaller tanks exclusively to raise pods the way I have seen live brine done? Can this be done and how? :thinking: