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  1. fishman1

    Question for Fishman1

    Sorry it took so long to reply. I have been using Mag Pumps over 10 years in one form or another and they have been great. The Mag5 I used the longest and still use it mixsaltwater and do water changes. It sounds like the pump was droped. And as for the screws I guess I have just been luckey...
  2. fishman1

    Aiptasia and Vinegar

    You can not use metal needle. They feel it and withdraw you need a plastick needle. Or you can buy a copper banded butterfly . Used one my self took care of the problem and no he did not eat any of my corals.And no more aiptasia and their are shrimp that will help too.
  3. fishman1

    Mag Drive Pump question

    I am using a Mag7 in my sump. Up graded it from Mag5.You will have a little more heat but if you have a gaskets leak on you. Your going lose all your water. By putting it in your sump you"ll not have to worry about that. And about rust I have not incountered that problem and have used this type...
  4. fishman1


    What is the wattage of the 50/50? If it is more then 15watts it will not work. What is your ballast rated at.
  5. fishman1

    lighting in canopy

    I know it is not my tank. Is what I ment. :D
  6. fishman1

    lighting in canopy

    Your lighting should not be a big rush. Let your tank cycle a little while with out your lights. When you build your lights leave a little room for a fan. Run your lights if you have a problem with heat you car add a fan. I know it is my tank and I would in a big hurry to. GOOD LUCK.
  7. fishman1

    wave maker question

    Go to <a href="http://www.**************.com" target="_blank">www.**************.com</a> it gives a breakdown on the Red Sea . Why the other cost more I do not know.
  8. fishman1

    wave maker question

    I see on your website you are using 302-402s They will not stand up to the off and on of a wave maker . I had to replace the impellers in the 302s I used all the time. So I replaced them with Max-Jets they worked out great . The others work great if they are on all the time and Hagen makes great...
  9. fishman1

    wave maker question

    I use the WavemasterPro by Red Sea it works great it controls 4-Power heads 3-at random 1- that can be random or on all the time . Got a 30 min. feed mode. And 4-reef setting or 4-other setting. Paid 129.00. The one your asking about cost a litte more but works a litte different. I hope this...
  10. fishman1

    wave maker question

    I think every one talk about two different things one controls powers heads .The other is hooked up to your return. But they both make waves.
  11. fishman1

    lighting in canopy

    How tall is your canopy ? What type of lighting?
  12. fishman1

    wave maker question- Ocean Motion

    I am useing WavemasterPro from RedSeas and it works great .To answer your question no. But from what I read about them they are good.
  13. fishman1

    Stop buying/killing Anenomes!

    It went throught the same thing . I sayed to my self it's not going to happen one moring when the lights came on he had made him self at home. Some times if you offer him or her food close to it might help. GOOD LUCK TO ALL. :D
  14. fishman1

    Chocolatechip Starfish How do you feed

    I feed my chip 2 to 3 time a week . I feed him silver sides. Bring him to front of you tank. Give it food that is thaw out and place it under him and lightly press him to the glass. He will eat. The fish that get away can placed close to he arms and he might take it. Do not pull the star off the...
  15. fishman1

    Stop buying/killing Anenomes!

    I killed my share but not alot.
  16. fishman1

    Stop buying/killing Anenomes!

    I have a sebae that I have had for right at 7years and is quiet large .The big problem with an anenome is that often they are mistreated by the source and by the LFs and then they are not aclamated properly from what I read on this site . And most of you can not keep your hands out of tank...
  17. fishman1

    is this RO unit cost expensive?

    Are you buy from a local store or ordering it. :D
  18. fishman1

    Chocolatechip Starfish How do you feed

    Do you have your star a tank alone. :cool:
  19. fishman1

    Butterfly safe for reef?

    Copper Bandded are great reef tank fish but if you have a feather duster he or she will eat it. If you have Aptasia he or she also eat that. I have one in my tank now. Buy a small one and let it grow in to your tank. :D
  20. fishman1

    oceanic or all glass

    When your looking at tanks check the thickness of the glass. Also on the Oceanic if you look at the inside rim you will see that it is sealed. It"s a better tank.