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  1. vince

    What are my Clowns doing?

    doesn't twitching usually indicate ich?
  2. vince

    The Big 20 Bonus + 1

    I currently have 5 blue legs and if I get the bonus blue legs would have a total of 55. How did you work that system out? Well, anyway; I would order the brittle stars. I already have too many hermits and some of them are getting huge pincers threatening other things in my tank. Even though...
  3. vince

    BurnNSpy...common and considerate concerns for ALL devoted reefkeeepers...

    the concept of "if you don't like, don't confront" will not always work. Also, most people who were pointed at for their "cranky" behaviors have been banned. It does not matter if he was nice to you or not. As a moderator, he should be nice to everyone in overall. If people are having problems...
  4. vince

    BurnNSpy...common and considerate concerns for ALL devoted reefkeeepers...

    With all due respect to BurnNSpy, if some people are agreeing to what keitho said and is having problems with the way you are acting, maybe you do need to change. We don't see any other posts concerning other member's attitude on this board but you. I'm not criticizing you but that's just what...
  5. vince

    what's the growth rate of hard corals?

    I've purchased a suncoral few days ago. I was wondering what the growth rate of corals are in a setup of: 75 gal calcium: 370 alkalinity: 6.5 ph: 8.3 lr/ls(3 inchs) no fish lighting: vho aquaglow/powerglo and double smartlite pc
  6. vince

    BurnNSpy...common and considerate concerns for ALL devoted reefkeeepers...

    hey BurnNSpy, are you the same guy as ReefSpy in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ forum?
  7. vince

    mail-order rock

    why don't you order from this website? they sell liverock too.
  8. vince

    Ok who has the rarest/mostexpensive fish ???

    do you own any oceans ? :)
  9. vince

    Question for you Vince

    :) You are giving me too much credit. Thank you! How much you feed them will depend on you. One thing I'm still not sure of; morray eels need brackish water/saltwater. I'm sure you know? Many people had problems with morray eels and one of the common problems they stated was " i can't seem to...
  10. vince

    Question for you Vince

    Because it's about fish and The Aquarium is for ... A watering hole to discuss off topic. It is... after all, related to fish. I hope there's no prejudice against freshwater topics. well. back to shel's topic Oscar would be an excellent choice that is if they are going to be moved out of that...
  11. vince

    Question for you Vince

    I never should've said I'm very experienced... lol I had similar situations with my oscars and other big fishes. One way you could make sure he eats is basically to overfeed the tank so everyone gets enough food. What kind of live food you feeding and how many do you put in everytime? I must...
  12. vince

    got marine catfish :)

    I heard that they will get real huge and you need a big tank to cotain them, especially if you have three. Also, if you have a reef tank, they will get destructive as they grow. Just letting you know incase you did not. :cool:
  13. vince

    My wanter is contaminated!! HELP!!!!!

    thank you for taking your time to research the information broomer. I really apprecieate it.
  14. vince

    My wanter is contaminated!! HELP!!!!!

    so far. nothing looks bad.. I mean. nothing is dead )=P... I didn't spill much. If its not too serious, I will let it go
  15. vince

    My wanter is contaminated!! HELP!!!!!

    I can't.. they are smaller chunks similar to brine shrimps and already have settled to substrate! :mad:
  16. vince

    My wanter is contaminated!! HELP!!!!!

    I was floating few icepacks that were sent from swf package to cool down my water temperature but today, it popped on me. Now there are these white jelly things floating around. Are these harmful to fish? please respond quick!! thank u!
  17. vince

    scarlett leg crab - all that is left is his legs..

    similar things happend in my tank. I think they are attacking each other. I put in more shells though and that seemed to help.
  18. vince

    my temp is constantly 86+ help!

    that's a really good idea! thanks for the advice man :cool:
  19. vince

    BurnNSpy, i have a questoin to ask about ur substrate

    BurnNSpy, I just have a question about your substrate. your sandbed seems very high compared to mine. Is that how it's suppose to be?