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  1. alienup

    NEW nano help plez

    ok now that my tank is ready what crabs should i put in how many? how many snails what kind? 12g nano cube dx 13lb live rock?
  2. alienup

    puffer help?

    I have a porcupine puffer he is in a 30g tank with a small green spoted puffer. many times i have walked in on the puffer puffed up for no reason i know the green spoted puffer has nothing to do with it what dose it mean?
  3. alienup

    buying a tank from this site

    help me i realy would wish to start this hobby but i would like to do it right what do i need 12g plez
  4. alienup

    buying a tank from this site

    ok im thinking about geting the 12g aquapod from this site. can any one tell me what I will need from this site to make the tank work properly. I was told by manny people that the reef packages on this site come with to much for a 12g what should I do/what should i get from this site and get...
  5. alienup

    Does anyone if they ever win the contest?

    Iv been watching the Ugliest Aquarium Contest for like 3 weeks and theres no winner do they ever pick one?
  6. alienup

    starting fist tank 12g

    how do i know the Calcium is at 450?
  7. alienup

    How do I take care of an my first anemone?

    Its not running yet im geting a JBJ 12 Gallon Nano Cube Deluxe im geting it and im going to let it run for about 2 mounths with live rock and sand. Then im adding the rest i just want to know what to get befor hand. This is my first indever into annemones and coaral tank. so i dont know about...
  8. alienup

    How do I take care of an my first anemone?

    Ok geting my first anemone. Im putting it in my new 12 nano tank. This is my first tank im having a canister filter with bio balls in it and a protien skimmer. what to i need to keep my anemone helthy and what do i need to get such as calcium supplement and other stuff and how can I read the...
  9. alienup

    starting fist tank 12g

    how do i read calcium and stuff like that?
  10. alienup

    help help

    no3-190 no2-0 ppm hardness-250 alkaline-120 ph7.2
  11. alienup

    help help

    my porcupine puffer has turned white and is trying to swim full speed into the tank wall whats going on? ill but up my levels in the next post.
  12. alienup

    First time testing levles help!!!!

    ok ill returen the ones i got and get new ones but whats the best brand to get the one at my pet co was $47 for the test kits so i got these for 25$
  13. alienup

    starting fist tank 12g

    im starting my fist nano tank a 12g nANO-CUBE DX 12g tank im starting with and im going to put in live rock some live sand two clown fish and an annenomie can i do this with this tank what do i need to add?
  14. alienup

    First time testing levles help!!!!

    The tank has been going for about 4 months i have 3 fish in it a porcupine puffer a spoted green puffer and a small black fish. i dont know any thing besides that. o ye the ammmonia is 0-.10 and im using test strips 5 in one.
  15. alienup

    First time testing levles help!!!!

    First time testing levles help!!!! no3-190 no2-0 ppm hardness-250 alkaline-120 ph7.2 Is this good? and if not how do I fix the problem.
  16. alienup

    my first nano tank

    Im going to start a 10g nano reef. I want to put in some sand some live rock one annenome and a clown fish. Is that posible? what do i need? how long should i let it cycle. what fillters do I need? if i get fillters do they have to be for a 10g or can i use m old equipment from my 20g(protien...
  17. alienup

    thinking of starting a 10g nano reef need help

    what kind of filtration will i need?? and can i put annenomies in there?
  18. alienup

    live rock

    so what is the diffrence in cured and non cured????? so how much of the rock should i buy at a time should i get like 10lb now then ad 10lb like every week or every other week?
  19. alienup

    live rock

    in my tank right now i have 4 fish a porcupine puffer a small green spoted puffer a blenni and a baby black fish that im geting better then seting free. The tank has been running for about 3 months now and im just switching from gravle and an undergravel filters to a bio wheel and maybe live...
  20. alienup

    thinking of starting a 10g nano reef need help

    My school only lets a person bring up to a 10g and I have a salt at home so realy I want a 10g with maybe a clown fish some sand some live rock sand and maybe some small corral. what filters and if i go for a filter can I go for one thats used for a bigger tank then a 10??