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  1. mr llimpid

    new 46g build

    Both are large fish and will not live a long and happy life in any tank smaller than 180 gal tank. They are very aggressive fish and need large tank mates. Sorry to be the barer of bad news
  2. mr llimpid

    My 12g Nano; Reefing in College

    Sounds like a lot critters for 12gal tank. If your nitrates are going up and you are doing a reef I would invest in a skimmer.
  3. mr llimpid


    Nothing, triggers a dragon will eat anything you add. The only thing you may try is a Astrina Star fish, they eat ditrus and algea, they may leave them alone. You don't buy them they are hitch hikers
  4. mr llimpid

    Disappearing Clownfish!!!!

    First you cant keep 6 clowns in 1 tank for long, unless it over 300 gal tank. Just 2 per tank of the same spieces and even then there is a chance they will not mate.
  5. mr llimpid

    saying good bye

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 To some people, even $400 a year is a lot of money. But, how often do you buy a new fish, how often does an old fish die? Some people spend a couple thousand on fish before they figure out how to keep them alive. Trust me, I know. Not talking about you...
  6. mr llimpid

    green chromis wont eat

    Fish wont eat because your ammonia is to high. Gets yourself some Amqu+ or Prime. Dont do hypo with star in QT.
  7. mr llimpid

    Beginning to cycle a new tank with tap water

    Yep + one wait, algea is just on e of the many problem you can get with tap water. A 50gal 3 stage corelife RO/DI is about $140, this what I have for my 135gal tank, works great.
  8. mr llimpid

    saying good bye

    This why I have fish, fish are why I got into this hobby, so I keep fish. A fish only tank is the cheapest way to go. The only equipment you need is a heater, pumps and a light (not even a fish type fixture required). Filtration can be a wet/dry or canister. The only expense is salt mix for...
  9. mr llimpid

    white mark on puffer

    Your temp is low, I would raise your temp. to 78, but slowly. And your salinity is a little low the big blue on the average is 1.025 or 35g/l. Not that any of these changes will help the white spot. But in the long run may.
  10. mr llimpid

    Fins falling apart.

    Cracked fins is usually from fin rot, which is poor water quality. Having a 30gal. tank your prams. can change quickly, I would check the prams. several times a day. Plus the canister filter gets clogged and the pre filter needs to change every two weeks or more. What does your filter use as media?
  11. mr llimpid

    white mark on puffer

    Ick looks like tine salt spots, dosen't like that to me. Is the mark raised at all and have any texture to it? What other fish do you have in the tank? Tanks size? Post all the params of your tank. What do you feed him?
  12. mr llimpid

    Shrimp keeps molting

    Shrimp molt so they can grow. The only reason for him to be molting so often is that he is getting a lot of food. Only feed your fish the food they can consume I f you put to much at a time it will flow down and hide somewhere so the shrimp can find it. Just a suggestion skip the brine shrimp...
  13. mr llimpid

    white mark on puffer

    Does he sleep wedged into something? 3 hours ago, has it changed color or gone away? The irregular shape reminds me of a vain.
  14. mr llimpid

    HELP - Fish Dying

    Quote: Originally Posted by saxman Did the fishes show any signs of pathology? Have you QT'd all of the fishes, or did you plop them into the DT and hope for the best? Also, did you get all of your fishes from the same LFS? It might be them or their wholesaler/collector that has the...
  15. mr llimpid

    Two Part Light Question

    .You have plenty of light 4.5 watts per gal on the PC and the added T5's will also help. But the problem is not the amount of light but it’s the par ratting and spectrum for light. This is required for all SPS coral and anemones. For most SPS lighting is not the issue, its all about the quality...
  16. mr llimpid

    yellow tangs

    You can try a 75 the foot print is the same as a 90 just shorter. The key to tangs is give them room to swim, I have found giving them a figure 8 swimming area instead of back forth in the front they are happier. This works well with more than 1 tang in a tank, this way they don’t go head to...
  17. mr llimpid

    yellow tangs

    Just to let you all know tangs are swimmers and graze all day in a very large area. With that being said all tangs but 1 will need to go in a 6' long tank, the only tang that will live a long and happy life in a 90gal tank will be the Kole tang. Also, tangs of the same body shape will fight if...
  18. mr llimpid

    HELP - Fish Dying

    + one on Flowers comments. Too many fish in a 55, they will be more aggressive this way. Coral banded and fire shrimp in 55 sure deaths to the fire shrimp, it only time. Your tank is only 3 months old and you are over stocked, adding additional load would cause spikes which cause a new fish even...
  19. mr llimpid

    Continuous water changes

    I want to know is which fish gets the remote?
  20. mr llimpid

    New Sump and removing Bio Balls

    Brine is not that nutritious switch over to mysis and hikari or spectrum marine pellets. Feeding a variety is healthier for our fish