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  1. viking

    Question about True Percs

  2. viking

    What can west coasters use in place of South Down??

    i have heard of SD being sold as far west as Ohio but thats it as far as I know
  3. viking

    Question about True Percs

    Who here has a pair of true percs?? Are they more prone to ick or other disease? are they more agrresive than there false brothers?? I was thinking about getting a pair of these b/c the false percs are way over done and the maroon clowns are way to agrresive.
  4. viking

    What can west coasters use in place of South Down??

    Originally posted by tmncali: <STRONG>shoot me an email depending on where your at ive bought SD and TL CC sand SoCal though. HTH tony</STRONG> you have mail thanx dude
  5. viking

    What can west coasters use in place of South Down??

    Is there another kinda sand that people on the west coast can get from any kind of hardware store. I will not go to the beach and steal sand there is so ---- in that sand its not even funny!!!!
  6. viking

    south down sand

    Originally posted by dburr: <STRONG>Southdown spotted in Enfield, CT. :D Yessss!!!! Look out, the 90gal. is coming soon!! :D :D</STRONG> nobody like a poor winner ;)
  7. viking

    south down sand

    Originally posted by option720: <STRONG> Viking you are from California, you have got to have some landscape company or someone down there that sells beach sand. Why don’t you just go to the beach and grab some, was it really well and save even more money!</STRONG> i would prefer not to...
  8. viking

    south down sand

    since its not sold on the west coast is there a cheap equivalent(sp) to southdown that we can get??
  9. viking

    Is the Berlin Airlift skimmer any good??

    ok.....I geuss noone has any opinions what so ever on this skimmer.
  10. viking

    Is the Berlin Airlift skimmer any good??

    Just wondering if this would do a good job in a 40gal FOWLR?
  11. viking

    would an emperor 400 be over kill on a 40gal tank??

    Also how much live rock would be a good amount?? I am planning on getting uncurred due the fact that it is so much cheaper and i am planning on doing the cycle with the live rock in there b/c i have heard that if i cycle the tank and then put uncurred live rock in it will start a new cycle b/c...
  12. viking

    Live Rock Concern

    what kinda lighting do you have???
  13. viking

    Skimmers - can't decide.

    are the Berlin AirLift's any good. i know they are air powered in-tank designs but do they do the job as well as a traditional skimmer???
  14. viking

    would an emperor 400 be over kill on a 40gal tank??

    i talked with a guy at one of my LFS and he said the 400 would be better he stuck with his opinion when i told him i was going to order it off the net and not from him. I was amazed!!! plus they sell the same tank for 61 bucks (15 cheaper than *****)
  15. viking

    Best way to seal glass???

    Hey 03 thats one :eek:HUGE :eek: goldfish bowl!!!!! :D
  16. viking

    unwanted crab...please help

    Originally posted by LionFish: <STRONG>LionFish says....... Well, I've had to deal with 3 of those crabs. The little S.O.B.s were in it together. They attacked my Bangaii Cardinal and tore him apart. They messed with the wrong person at the wrong time. Too bad they didn't know that my other tank...
  17. viking

    Remove dottyback?

    ya i have read that bicolors are by far the most agressive dottyback and ounce per ounce one of the most agressive fish in the hobby.
  18. viking

    would an emperor 400 be over kill on a 40gal tank??

    Oh ya that might help. Umm a pair of clowns probly True Percs since Maroon's are too agresive, and false percs are WAY overdone!! A sixline wrasse, royal gramma and maybe a Lawnmower blenny when it gets good and setup. Also this tank is 36Lx17Hx15D i think its alot better tank for me to start...
  19. viking

    would an emperor 400 be over kill on a 40gal tank??

    Thanx puff is there anything else you would recomend for a 40 in the way of filtration, or equiptment??
  20. viking

    would an emperor 400 be over kill on a 40gal tank??

    Would the 400 be to much for a 40gal?? Would the 280 be a better choice?? I found a website that sells the 400 for $41.99 and the 280 for $35.99 so price is not a factor. email at if you want the link to the site by the way :D