Search results

  1. hocky

    Stingray people... how many of you are out there?

    Here is the current set up: Working on a dedicated shark/ray lagoon right now.
  2. hocky

    Large tank people: What is your water change process?

    Does anyone have a suggestion for a pump to push the water through 75' of ~1/2" tubing (python) back to the tank that will maintain a reasonable flow rate?
  3. hocky

    Large tank people: What is your water change process?

    Originally Posted by T316 For both of you....unless you just like getting it all out the way in one water change, try thinking smaller. I do 25-30 gal. changes, at least 2 times a month, but many months 4 times. I guess if I had to go thru as much trouble as you guys are going thru, I might...
  4. hocky

    Large tank people: What is your water change process?

    Originally Posted by 95Harley I change 50-60 gal once per month on my I have a bathroom down the hall in my downstairs that I make my RO/DI water in a 60g trash can on wheels (black wal-mart heavy duty outdoor type). I throw my heater and powerhead in in till I mix my Salt, PH...
  5. hocky

    Large tank people: What is your water change process?

    Just one tank, it is about a 20% water change and I usually change about once per month. Thanks for the link. I need to do something like that, but getting the plumbing where it needs to go would be a PITA for sure.
  6. hocky

    Large tank people: What is your water change process?

    Like the topic says, for those of you who do large water changes, what is your process? I really need to work out an easier method for my tank. I've been trying different ways each time, but I just can't find one that is simple / clean. I typically change 60-75 gallons at a time and it is a...
  7. hocky

    Video: feeding my stingray

    Yea... it is right on the border of fishers / noblesville, but I think it is actually Fishers.
  8. hocky

    Video: feeding my stingray

    Originally Posted by saltygerman Figures I've been to greenwood and west 38th but never Fishers. Those ones are garbage. The Uncle Bills in Fishers actually has very respectable marine stuff. They've got a well kept reef with plenty of corals from basic softies to nice sps, lots of frag...
  9. hocky

    Video: feeding my stingray

    It is a california stingray. I am thinking that I will start working on the lagoon just before spring time (because as soon as it starts getting warm I'll be in the garage working on my car... haha). I am setting up a small seahorse tank right now so that and my big tank will keep my attention...
  10. hocky

    Video: feeding my stingray

    Uncle Bills in Fishers.
  11. hocky

    Aiptasia problem in eel tank

    I have had amazing success with aiptasia-x... much better than any other method.
  12. hocky

    Video: feeding my stingray

    I picked up a stingray a few weeks ago after I saw him sitting in a small tank at the LFS 3 weeks in a row; I just couldn't leave him there any more. Now I am going to be building a shark / ray lagoon. lol. He is doing very well at this point and is very friendly. He eats out of my hand very...
  13. hocky

    LARGE Plywood Tank Build

    Originally Posted by Bronco300 welllllllll, i'm not sure about a show piece...I either want some amazing monti caps or encrusting montis...or a giant anemone with some good ol hosting clowns....or maybe the ribbon eel will take the spotlight. I have a friend with an orange monti cap that is...
  14. hocky

    Aquarium update: Bigger is better!

    They just stay away from each other. No real problems.
  15. hocky

    Aquarium update: Bigger is better!

    I have been spending the last couple of weeks playing with different lighting combinations trying to find something that I like. The depth of the tank and the black background made my old lighting set up appear to be too yellow and it was washing out some colors. So far, I have been through 2...
  16. hocky

    FS: 72" Metal Halide / PC light fixture, 3x250w HQI, 4x96w PC, $575

    No worries, good luck in your search.
  17. hocky

    FS: 72" Metal Halide / PC light fixture, 3x250w HQI, 4x96w PC, $575

    Last bump before I keep it to use on something else. $550 shipped.
  18. hocky

    FS: 14" Custom Made Nano (Indianapolis)

    <sigh> You talked me into it.
  19. hocky

    FS: (2) IceCap72" 2 Bulb VHO Retro Kits

    Do you have 2 good actinic bulbs? If you do, I am interested. I will take your nano tank home, too. PM. ;-)