Search results

  1. thirty5

    170 Gal Bowfront (Oceanic) Complete Setup: Bergen County NJ

    I am selling this tank because I do not have time for the maintenance anymore. I sold off most of the rock but there is about 50 lbs left that I will throw in with the tank. I am looking to get clocse to $2000 for the entire setup. 170 Gallon Bow (Oceanic) Matching Stand with glass doors...
  2. thirty5

    Few Rics and Yumas for Sale

    PM'd you guys
  3. thirty5

    Few Rics and Yumas for Sale

    Bump: Some still available
  4. thirty5

    Few Rics and Yumas for Sale

    Bump. Pics coming little later to those who requested
  5. thirty5

    Few Rics and Yumas for Sale

    Pics to all who requested on Thursday!
  6. thirty5

    Few Rics and Yumas for Sale

    Originally Posted by Littlebuck Hey i have some palys and zoos im looking to trade. If you are intrested email me with ur pics and i will get back to you with the ones of mine. LOL " i'll show you mine, if you show me yours!" Sorry not interested in trade right now. THANKS
  7. thirty5

    Few Rics and Yumas for Sale

    I have a few rics and yumas that i would like to sell. Not too crazy about them. Want to stick more to palys and stuff like that. If you are interested please PM Me, i will send pictures via email to those interested. Located in Bergen County, NJ. Will ship. Prices vary per polyp..... Thanks
  8. thirty5


    You really need to give more details. You didnt even show the entire fuge?
  9. thirty5

    Black or Blue background (please post pics)

    Mine is blue..... My Fuge is black, but it really dont matter. The Blue makes it nice and bright. 175 Bow
  10. thirty5

    RO/DI unit

    The DI is not the expensive part. For a few bucks i would just get it. Te expensive part is he actual waste water that this thing pumps out. I am running a 200gpd RO/DI unit. The waste water is ridiculous!!! But a necessary evil.
  11. thirty5

    CHAETO + $15 shipped

    Most People are doing a quart bag for 15. and You dont need to overnite it. Priority mail works just fine. 2 days.
  12. thirty5

    tang food help!

    I vote for Romain Lettuce. I always keep a piece in my tank. I have Naso, Hippos and Yellows. they all pick at it.... Dont water your money on Nori as long as they are eating other foods.
  13. thirty5

    Its killing my corals!

    Those look like your basic Bristle Worms, they do not eat corals.
  14. thirty5

    MAXALMON frag tank sell off!

    Max, Where you possibly moving to???
  15. thirty5

    Making a sump

    Dont need to use epoxy. you can just use silicone, just make sure that it is aquarium safe. Some people will use a certain silicone from the major retail stores. But if you want to be 100% safe use the aquarium safe silicone, you should be able to get from your LFS
  16. thirty5


    IMO MTC are the best out there
  17. thirty5

    Clown with eye infection

    Not all the fish were added at once. All the other fish were there for a while, i just added the pair of maroons. The tank is a 175 bow. Unfortunatly i lost the fish this morn. I had moved to a hospital setup but this morn she was dead.
  18. thirty5

    Clown with eye infection

    These fish were just placed into my tank. It is with a Hippo, 3 dominoes, goby, royal gramma. But it was not being picked on by anything!
  19. thirty5

    Clown with eye infection

    I have a female Maroon Clown with an eye infection. What do i??