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  1. joeram

    Red Sea Berlin Airlift Skimmer (got one?)

    I have one and it works fine. change the original air stone to a larger air stone. and it works great. as far as water level, I think you will learn where to have the berlin set. I clean mine about every 3 days and it works fine. what you have to adjust is the amount of air. too much air...
  2. joeram

    Are there any reefers in Houston?

    I live in houston and shop alot at aquaruim world and aquatic world for stuff and ***** and petsmart for supplies.
  3. joeram

    purple up

    I have some on my snails and I purple spots on my rocks but they look like a deep purple coral. what do you think
  4. joeram

    purple up

    how long does it take for coraline algae to apear? I am just starting to see lime green spots where brown algae is. I am monitoring daily just incase that green becomes slime algae.
  5. joeram

    distilled water?

    Originally Posted by watson3 Ouch..Is 30 cents here I am in Houston, tx where are you.
  6. joeram

    how many cleaners?

    I read that you should also have 1 and a half cleaners per gallon. some where on the web that sales cleaner crews.
  7. joeram

    Canister vs. Powerfilters

    I am currently in the long process of making a sump/refug. found some good info off the web. so far I spent 11 dollars for the buckets that came with cat litter for my cats. all I need now is the return pump. I have an old rubber tub sitting around.
  8. joeram

    distilled water?

    thanks bang guy.
  9. joeram

    peppers and choc chip

    i saw that crab walking and then a few hours later the shrimp had this white body it was munching on. can't say if the crab died or not. I am concerned that the shrimp is messing with the cc star.
  10. joeram

    to cut or not to cut?

    thank you sir. I have a dremel and I have the depth gauge attachment.
  11. joeram

    distilled water?

    i read on here that distilled is not a good choice because it does not have the essential elements that water should have. one can purchase the di/ro water at wally world for 62 cents a galon.
  12. joeram

    to cut or not to cut?

    I was thinking I could cut a standpipe into my tank. I thought about a drill bit then I am thinking of a glass cutter. The tank is a 20 gallon tank with no holes in it. is it wiser to to just get an overflow?... if so.. I was thinking of making my filter into the overflow box.
  13. joeram

    peppers and choc chip

    the camel moves different then the pepper and to me looks different. this is a link to a bunch of pics of peppers. this is a link to camel back.
  14. joeram

    What reduces nitrite?

    disregard what I said in the first post. nitrite turns into nitrate, so it goes away on its one. also use good water to make your mix. tap water has amonia, nitrite and nitrate.
  15. joeram

    What reduces nitrite?

    from what I have learned: water change, macro algae, using good water. that made the biggest difference for me.
  16. joeram


    what about your mix are saying made it a bad batch?
  17. joeram

    Bio spira

    yes, i would do that
  18. joeram

    peppers and choc chip

    peppermint shrimp you are right. called a pepper for short. are you seeing this happen in your tank?
  19. joeram

    peppers and choc chip

    are you sure you are posting on this thread?
  20. joeram

    peppers and choc chip

    My pepper tries to pick at the cc star. the star is new to the tank. is this a normalcy? what to do? the peppers already pulled one herm crab out and ate it. these peppers are aggressive.