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  1. tutak

    Turbelle Nanostream 6025

    I got two hydor 4 in my 125 and they don't look that out of place. They look pretty professional in the tank.
  2. tutak

    zebra eel in a reef tank

    I got a zebra eel in my reef tank he doesn't bother anyone. I got shrimp and cucumbers and he doesn't even care they are there.
  3. tutak

    What to do with my tank now?

    I'm in the same boat that you are. I used to have a 55 gallon saltwater tank. Now I have a 125 gallon salt tank. I want to do corals but it seems like a vast amount of knowledge that i don't know about. I really like inverdebretes. I have a sand star, brittle star, and a cucumber. They are...
  4. tutak

    dream aquarium

    I would want a tank filled with marshmallows so i could swimming in it whenever i wanted.
  5. tutak


    That's funny you said that because I have my frogfish with my zebra eel. The eel is about 2.5 feet. and the frogfish is 4 inches. they get along great. except the frogfish had my picasso trigger half swallowed on multiple occasions. the trigger freed himself every time.
  6. tutak

    Frogfish in 12

    I have a frog fish in my 125 gl tank. He's only about a 4 inches but he can eat a ton. He'll eat sixteen goldfish in one setting. I would be worried that if you were to add some smaller fish in the nano tank that he would want to eat them. Mine has gotten used to the other fish in the tank...
  7. tutak

    Brittle Star/Serpent Star

    I just bought a brittle star and it's pretty cool. It's fun to feed it because it eats really fast before your eyes. They do though seem pretty reclusive and you wont see them the most. Go crazy and get both.
  8. tutak

    FlowerPot Coral

    When you say "Gonner Ipora," are you saying they are bound for death? It's not red. It's more of a green. I''m color blind so i have a hard time guessing the colors corectly.
  9. tutak

    FlowerPot Coral

    Also the lights and bulbs are brand new.
  10. tutak

    FlowerPot Coral

    I have power compact lights. The flowerpot is placed really high up in the tank.
  11. tutak

    FlowerPot Coral

    I'm an idiot. I bought a flowerpot coral on a whim thinking that it would be an easy to take care of specimen. Everywhere i read it says usually dies within one year. Does anybody out there have one that has survived the odds? If so what do you do to help keep it. It says that Calcium levels...
  12. tutak

    Best Tunze Possible

    I just started up a 125 g FO tank. I have two powerheads on opposite ends. They don't circulate as much water as I want after reading the awesome specs of the Tunze Turbelle pumps. I will eventually go to a reef tank after a while. I want to put in the big bucks and get a Tunze. But I was...
  13. tutak

    Some pics of my stuff.....

    Those are some sweet pictures