as long as water parameters are good, they should be fine. they will fight to assert dominance. the dominant one will become female. advice is to buy one clownfish that is smaller than the other if u want to pair them.
just ordered the blue throat trigger but not from this site, since didnt have it. should be arriving next week. very excited. hopefully it wont bother my inverts.
awesome. thanks. i am thinking of getting a blue jaw trigger. i lost all of my fish during a vacation when power shut off for 18 hours. funny thing was all of the corals survived.
hello everyone! havent been at this forum for a while. has anyone order from lately? thinking of adding some fish and inverts but havent ordered from here the last 18 months. is the quality still good like in the past?
shouldnt be expert imo. mine grows like crazy but i am also an expert. i have it in other tanks with not so great water and it thrives. as long as they get decent flow along with lighting, it is very easy.
looks like a bubble tip anemone. nice pickup for $15. bta are accepted by most clownfish. anemone needs strong lighting and medium flow to stay healthy. just feed it once per week and u should be fine.