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  1. t4stock

    Strange Black "Marbles" Growing

    :confused: Hey there. About two months ago, I noticed three strange new growths on the top of my live rock quite close to the lighting. They look very much like three shiny black marbles. They are hardish to the touch, but can be wiggled where attached to the rock. They range in size from...
  2. t4stock


    Make it emminently clear through your attorney that you will sue the state without end if something happens to your daughter as a result of their decisions. Document EVERY SINGLE phone call, correspondence, etc., and remind the powers that be EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, that you will be using the...
  3. t4stock

    Heteractis Magnifica

    I just added a Riteri to my tank... he is gorgeous... found him a geat spot right off the bat, and he hasnt moved out in a few days... but what have folks found with Clown/Riteri hosting?
  4. t4stock

    Orange sponge

    I, too, just added an orange sponge to my tank. My greatest concern is algae cloggin up the pores... but sponges are said to have excellent regenerative capabilities, so maybe try cutting away dead areas. I do have a question for any Sponge Bob Square Pants out there -- is ther a way to remove...
  5. t4stock


    I think that the Atlantic anemone to which you are referring is a "cold water" variety... they are quite cheap relative to other anemones. I have a tank set up for about a year... I have three anemones and a Torch Coral... they are all thriving... I lost a Bubble to a powerhead and a...
  6. t4stock

    New Square Anthias

  7. t4stock

    New Square Anthias

    Happily, there are NO probs with the other fish... the Anthias hangs out in the open all the time, and the other fish never bother him.... he looks like he'll eat too... so I'll try mixing live with frozen and criss my fingers.... when you say give him plenty of zoe... you mean what exactly?
  8. t4stock

    New Square Anthias

    Hi... I just added a beautiful Square Anthias to my tank. Neither my Sohol nor my yellow Tang are bothering him. My Damsels are leaving him alone as well. The Anthias shows no signs of heavy breathing, etc... wiht the exception of a mouth cut, he seems fine... moving around tank, etc... Now...
  9. t4stock

    long tentacle plate

    Mine dies in exacty this way
  10. t4stock

    Want some opinions! Melafix

    BEWARE>>>>> I dosed w/ Melafix b/c my Kole Tang was a bit beaten up.... major ich outbreak ws the result... the Melafix caused a HUGE amount of stress.... Better, I think, to let them heal on their own.
  11. t4stock

    Converting my reef tank to fresh water!

    I am curious... I have always pondered a contingency plan in th event of a total meltdown in my tank. So... when converting to FW, does everything have to be trashed... can i bleach out live rock and reuse? Also, can a skimmer be part of my FW filtration system? Regarding lights, would I...
  12. t4stock

    Bubble Coral...sick or angry?

    I have recently added a bubble anemone to my tank whihc is about a year old. Sometimes (usually at night or early am) it is all tight-knit bubbles. As the day progresses, however, it opens way up like, say, my long-tentacle, although its tips are still bubbly. Is this normal behavior or a sign...
  13. t4stock

    Adding Caulurpa

    I have tried to add plant life to my tank on two occassions in order to bring nitrates down. The problem is that my fish and/or overflow keep getting it. I considered putting it down in my sump, but wont that get caught up in my skimmer, etc? Any suggestions? Thanks!
  14. t4stock

    Green Algae Problem

    Poor quality carbon? Hmm... you know, i switched from using nice pre-packed carbon packets to using bulk carbon and refilling my own bag. this is about the time things started to bloom. I switched back recently and the bloom seems to be slowing.... can anyone tell me more about...
  15. t4stock

    Green Algae Problem

    My tank has been going for about 9 months now. Until very recently, I have had little or no problem with algae blooms. Lately, however, there is an outbreak of green slime on the glass and clumpy green on sand bed. I have been doing water changes to keep levels down. My nitrates are high...
  16. t4stock

    Unwanted minature sponges

    I'm pretty sure they're Sycon sponges... do a search, and you will find some comments on this board
  17. t4stock

    posting pictures

    me either... please advise
  18. t4stock

    Sohol has "Sores"?

    I just noticed that my Soho has two dark-ish spots that look like sores. They are not open, and they are not bleeding or anything like that. I am concerned that this might be some sort of bacterial infection and want to nip it in the bud if so. I just added a large Purple Long-Tentacle Coral...
  19. t4stock

    Sohol Has Sore?

  20. t4stock

    Sohol Has Sore?

    I just noticed that my Sohol Tang has what appears to be a sore on his face.... it may be nothing... I have a pic (not on a web page though). So if anyone can help id this "sore", e-mail me at, and I will send you a pic. Thanks