Search results

  1. dshurett

    What do you think would be the "perfect tank"

    A 100+ gallon tank so that You can use the 29 as a sump? <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />
  2. dshurett

    Who has a Harlequin Shrimp?

    I have a Harlequin shrimp. I have only had it for about 2 weeks. The books i have suggest feeding it one starfish every month. Once the harlequin gets the starfish it immobilizes it. However, depending on how hungry it may not go after it right away. Interesting story...Green brittle...
  3. dshurett

    Dr. Mac and Sons

    I have purchased LR from Dr Mac. This is someone that actually has a phone number posted on its site...and answers it. Customer service was great, product quality was great....he will get more of my business.
  4. dshurett

    Whats wrong with the Flower Pot??

    Where do you have this coral placed in relation to your MH lights and what water flow do you have it in?
  5. dshurett

    Whats wrong with the Flower Pot??

    Where do you have this coral placed in relation to your MH lights and what water flow do you have it in?
  6. dshurett

    ??? about Sally Lightfoot Crab

    You might also try Nassarius snails. I call them little Hoover vacuum cleaners. They burrow in the sand as well as come topside when food is present.
  7. dshurett

    SFE got bitten

    I have a SFE and larger chainlink eel in a QT tank awaiting my FOWLRLS to cycle and after the third day the SFE has gotten bitten apparently by the chainlink last night. The SFE was bitten midway in the body and has a chunk missing. The SFE is eating and was picking at the chainlink as of...
  8. dshurett

    Best way to remove damsels?

  9. dshurett

    Engineer goby ????????

    I have a couple of these little guys. They love a DSB and to hide under rocks. They will for the most part stay hidden until feeding time (almost any food...flake, frozen) and then they will sort of wiggle out and grab a bite and go back in. They will rearrange your sand to make their home.
  10. dshurett

    Should I be scared of aggressive fish?

    Thanks guppie, any suggestions on tank mates for a snowflake in a 58?
  11. dshurett

    Should I be scared of aggressive fish?

    I am planning on starting an aggressive tank in the near future and have a concern. I constantly have my hands in my reef tank fixing something...i know not a good idea. But how aggressive are fish/eels when placing your hands in the tank for maintenance activites? How do you get them out if...
  12. dshurett

    Hypo and turbo snails

    Yes, in general it will harm most inverts. I would recommend removing your fish and placing them in a hospital tank if you have inverts in your main tank. It will also harm live rock, so be careful.
  13. dshurett

    Coral Bandeds??????????

    How long have you had it? Most of the shrimp I have had, hide for the first week or 2. While I will not say that I can find mine all the time, he is usually lurking somewhere that I can locate most of the time. Coral Banded shrimp prefer a cave or shaded overhang to hang out on. You might...
  14. dshurett

    Yellow Tang with Wide Mouth

    There are a number of things you can do to raise your PH. One of them is to add an alk/ph buffer like Kent's dKH or one from any of the other vendors. I mention Kent's because it is the one that I use from time to time. I understand that you could also use baking soda, but I cannot recommend...
  15. dshurett


    Just upgraded my hospital to a 20L and have an extra 10 also. If no one will buy my 58 it will also be availble as a HT/QT
  16. dshurett

    Searching for board rules

    So then i guess there is CURRENTLY no restriction on posting links?
  17. dshurett


    I read the information on this board for a good while and was so sick of reading about hyposalinity and hospital tanks I could scream. Well I had an outbreack of ick in my reef due to a recently added tang. At the disagreement of my LFS, I decided to do the hypo thing. It sure was hard seeing...
  18. dshurett

    Bristle worms

    Leave them in...they are good...or just send them to me ;)
  19. dshurett

    Searching for board rules

    I am looking for the board rules as people keep getting told that no links or other company names are permitted. The only thing I could find is when you sign up you get the following Rules, Policies, and Disclaimers If you agree to abide by our rules below, please press the Agree button...
  20. dshurett

    RO DI questions

    I have the unit you are asking about. I am VERY happy with the quality of the unit. To answer the second question first. You only have to turn it on when you need it. Two things you must know about RO/DI units is 1. They waste alot of water 2. A good deal of water pressure is required for...