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  1. kirkreynolds

    Bad Hair Algae Problem

    When i put turbo snails in there they died like two days latter and how long should i leave the lights on and how much should i feed them? Also what do i do if the phos. are to high?
  2. kirkreynolds

    Bad Hair Algae Problem

    i have never done any water tests except the quick dips,I leave the lights on for 10 to 12 hours a day, and i feed them once in the morning and once at night.
  3. kirkreynolds

    Bad Hair Algae Problem

    I have really bad hair algae problem and i cant get rid of it. i wipe the inside of the tank every week but it still just comes back. its not just on the walls though it is on all the live rock and the sand as well. can anyone tell me how to get rid of it?
  4. kirkreynolds

    Mandarin Dragonet question

    do these fish have to be in a reef tank? i seen 3 at the lfs and they said that you have to have a reef tank but the info on this sight doesnt say they have to.
  5. kirkreynolds

    bad algae problem

    no we have no fake decoration it is just the back ground the algae is brown green and black its all mixed together. i not sure if it is really black algae or if its just the brown and green mixed together that makes it look that way.
  6. kirkreynolds

    bad algae problem

    i have normal fish tank lights nothing special just what came with the tank when i bought it.
  7. kirkreynolds

    bad algae problem

    i just have an aqua-tech 30-60 power filter and i use the boxes of marine water that you can buy from your lfs it says that it is from the ocean. i dont know what anything in my tank is at i was using the quick dip test strips but then was told that they are not accurate.
  8. kirkreynolds

    bad algae problem

    i also had a diamond goby but its died and it gils were cloged with what looked like green algae.
  9. kirkreynolds

    bad algae problem

    i have one hermit crab and one turbo snail but i think its dead the other one died and the fish ate it. the sand is white but it is covered in dark green and brown algae in some places it looks black.
  10. kirkreynolds

    bad algae problem

    Anyone have any ideas how i could get rid of this or know why its so bad?
  11. kirkreynolds

    bad algae problem

    here are pictures finally figured it out my whole tank looks like this but i could only get this in the picture because i had to resize it. any suggestions?
  12. kirkreynolds

    bad algae problem

    i think i have a bad algae problem but im not sure how to post pictures never done it before.
  13. kirkreynolds


    Gave Him To A Different Lfs For Another Fish. No More Worries
  14. kirkreynolds

    Finally got my lionfish to eat

    thanks for the info about the book and i bought the shrimp for him to eat i just feel bad i didnt want him to die that would be terrible i just not so sure that i want him anymore. actually i never wanted him in the first place it was my boyfriend kirk that wanted him im his girlfriend. i am...
  15. kirkreynolds


    Anyone live in washington interested in a lionfish i bought him on monday and he is eating now i just dont like him because he scares me and i dont like the idea that he eats live food and he is aggressive towards my clowns and they were there first.
  16. kirkreynolds

    Finally got my lionfish to eat

    i when to the lfs and bought a pep. shrimp and put it in there almost instantly he gobbled it up. now he is actling like he wants to eat the clown fish. i feel really bad for the shrimp he ate .i would like to take him back to the lfs but i dont think they will take him.
  17. kirkreynolds

    Dieng Lion Fish

    also i was going to buy him some live shrimp should i go with the brine shrimp or feeder shrimp? is there a difference?
  18. kirkreynolds

    Dieng Lion Fish

    when you say garlic do you mean garlic powder or like a real piece of garlic?
  19. kirkreynolds

    What Do Dwarf Lionfish Eat

    its a diamond goby
  20. kirkreynolds


    maidens hair and red kelp.