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  1. sandi2007x

    Snowflake Eel Question

    Mine love sand also.I have a 4'' sand base and lots of LR. he has burrows under every rock in the tank.Every now and then youll see a lil white cloud from where hes cleaning house or making a new burrow,and he seems real happy.I was told not to use CC because it may rub places on his skin and...
  2. sandi2007x

    DIY Chiller, can it be done?

    dont take this mans question so personal SCSInet, no offense intended. I like to think of this as a hobby and not a job. Not saying tap the 401K or anything, just have fun and if its going to endanger your fish or corals, by all means dont do it, but the frige idea sounds like...
  3. sandi2007x

    DIY Chiller, can it be done?

    This is called R&D. This is how inventions are made, the better mousetrap. leave these people alone, there asking for help , not criticism.
  4. sandi2007x

    goby with SFE

    Is my manderian goby safe with my SFE? the eel is about 8" and the goby is about 2.5. tank mate is also a foxxface. what do you think. I put him over from another tank to eat some of the copods. I was just wondering if hes safe.
  5. sandi2007x

    berlin break in

    sorry, red sea pump,from factory
  6. sandi2007x

    berlin break in

    The pump that came with the skimmer is what i using.
  7. sandi2007x

    berlin break in

    already been through the book a hundred times, put new water outlet tubes on. shorted the pipe between the pump and the skimmer too.
  8. sandi2007x

    berlin break in

    Does anyone know the proper setup and break-in period for a RED SEA brelin classic skimmer? I have it in my sump , in about 7" water, its not making many bubbles at all. and is surging.when I raise it up a little it makes a few more bubbles, but not many then. Thanks
  9. sandi2007x

    Hair Algea problen

    I got a foxface , and hes taking care of a lot of the hair alage. Plus it looks awsome in camo mode Cool fish
  10. sandi2007x

    Saltwater Garage Sale - Oregon - Eugene

    how much for the sterilizer, skimmers, and 1 magfoat? what shape are they in ? shipping to NC 27055 thank you
  11. sandi2007x

    Please Help Green Water

    MichealTX Just wanted to let you know that i left the tank covered for 11 days and took the quilt off and my water was so clear, no more green water yeah lol Just wanted to tell you thanks again for helping me
  12. sandi2007x

    Please Help Green Water

    Ok thanks again I will let you know if this works
  13. sandi2007x

    Please Help Green Water

    sorry one more thing should i leave the filter and skimmer running while the tank is covered ?
  14. sandi2007x

    Please Help Green Water

    ok so I have covered the tank and will let you know in 10 days if this helped Thanks again
  15. sandi2007x

    Please Help Green Water

    sorry a DI lol
  16. sandi2007x

    Please Help Green Water

    I have sponges in the canister what is a DO unit ?
  17. sandi2007x

    Please Help Green Water

    No different people lol I was actually searching the post before i posted to see if there was any clues there and saw his lol but no not the same tanks Im in NC and I guess he may be in Colorado lol
  18. sandi2007x

    Please Help Green Water

    no corals on the rocks The 48 pounds of rock i moved out of this tank to another one until i get this under control Thanks alot for the help you are my hero lol
  19. sandi2007x

    Please Help Green Water

    Thanks alot I am getting the quilt out now to cover the tank Do u think the rocks should stay out until I get rid of this
  20. sandi2007x

    Please Help Green Water
