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  1. sciknen

    octopus problems

    well...i set up my tank after almost a year.. have my cuc in it and everything my lr its a octopus 150nw but there is a problem it wont produce any skimmate i went to a couple of lfs to ask them about water levels to figure it out and posted a thread on the boston site all said about the same...
  2. sciknen

    too much flow?

    well im starting my 55 gal...just got a little bit from someone on boston reefers.... only 15lbs he hooked me up tho for 10 bucks no sand yet..just ordered it my question if i have too much flow i have two koralia 3's and im going to have a mag 9.5 return from my sump so a total 2650 gph...
  3. sciknen

    Mag 9.5 for sale

    damn i just ordered one from drs .....95 smackers too o well
  4. sciknen

    ????? questin about octopus skimmer ?????

    at least ur getting bubbles with yours lol
  5. sciknen

    i just got a new what?

    aight sounds good
  6. sciknen

    i just got a new what?

    they have a tubing piece that connects to the inlet of the pump via a twist on thingy..and the other end o the tubin attachs to a silencer.they are both in the right place like the pump isnt producing any power it seams that normal.. its about 560 gph and it seams really really weak
  7. sciknen

    i just got a new what?

    its a octopus nw150... i just got it a couple of days ago.. i have it set up right im liek 99.9 percent sure but i wanted to see it work a lil so i put it in a bucket and pluged her in well i realize that it doesnt work as well in tap water/fresh but it barely worked at all o yea and zero...
  8. sciknen

    im 55

    my father works for osram soo im gettin free ligths from him... going to get 2 150w MH w/ electronic ballasts and after a couple of months probably a 2 48in actinic retro kit i think imma go with pfo reflector and mogul sockets...its the only ones that will fit in a 55g canopy cuz its really skinny
  9. sciknen

    im 55

    thats what im trying to do...its gonna have alot of the brightest i can possibly get...and im also gonna try to get a pair of picasso clowns
  10. sciknen

    im 55

    i cant believe its been a year...ive been doing should be a law to do research for a year before you can get a tank...i hope im doing everything right the 1st time..but i mean i dont even have the tank set up and i want a bigger one already lol....i have a helluva lot of pics too..i...
  11. sciknen

    im 55

    well im still in the process of putting together my 55 gal....finally finished my stand..i need to stain it now.i made it out of birch... i bought my ro di...put it up on the wall near my washing machine i think its a reef something or other i just ordered 2 koralia 3's for the 55 and a nano...
  12. sciknen

    copper piping

    well i live in a house with copper piping i know something is bad to have my rodi running off of so im just wondering if its copper or im safe thanks need a quick reply
  13. sciknen

    Obama's Communist/Marxist ties

    me and my friends dont allow it when we are drinking...but i kinda like this thread
  14. sciknen

    non religious afterlife speculation

    there actually like studies going on about the effects of dmt and death...dmt is a chemical in your brain that is released when you dream and when you die...and that bright white light(some believe) is actually just a huge amount of dmt being released into you brain..people also take the drug...
  15. sciknen

    Six second rant

    i hate when people complain about everything that goes on in this country..all the or two isn't bad leave if you don't like it
  16. sciknen

    well just saw ufc 83

    i havent done mma but i boxed for a while..and i plan on starting bjj
  17. sciknen

    well just saw ufc 83

    it cudve gone a few more seconds , but even when he stood up he was wobbly.. forest is a better fighter then jerdine..and liddell is past his prime..its like how brock lesnar is going to fight mark coleman..liddell is past his prime..
  18. sciknen

    well just saw ufc 83

    who recently knocked how huston??? and i believe he was knocked out But who do you think is the worst ref?? my vote steve mazagatti that brock fight was a joke..he hit him in the back of the head onece maybe twice by complete accident..and he stands him up and takes pt..if he wasnt stood up he...
  19. sciknen

    well just saw ufc 83

    what are you guys talkin about??? crash what is ur avatar tho