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  1. stangracer85

    Red slim?

    Im getting this red slim on my sand bed and some of my LR what is this and what is the generalized reason for this?
  2. stangracer85

    What did you pay for Xenia

    I paid $30 bucks for 4 stalks of it on a a piece of LR about 5 lbs.
  3. stangracer85

    puffer help please!

    im actually taking my s&s puffer out tomorrow cause he started to chomp on my urchin and yesterday ate my whole frogspawn! he has left my clown, mandrin, lettuce slug and blenny alone but im not risking anything else anymore. He left everything alone for almost 2 months but he pushed his limits...
  4. stangracer85


    alright thanks to you both. Ill get some tomorrow then. Lol i would have said eggcrate too lol. Not that most of there employees know what most things are anyways even by there "correct" names.
  5. stangracer85


    Where is a good place to purchase eggcrate from? How much does it normally cost?
  6. stangracer85

    Safest way to add Powder Blue to my DT without QT?

    PBT is looking great and congrats on the hypo going so well.
  7. stangracer85

    Live Rock

    I would say at least a few days but not exactly sure. Hopefully someone else will chime in here and give better info on that one for sure. Welcome im always learning myself so if i can help another out thats what were all here for. Good luck on the LR and the tank. Post some pics when you get...
  8. stangracer85

    Live Rock

    That should be okay with that amount.
  9. stangracer85

    Live Rock

    do you have any fish or anything in there? if so you dont want to add a lot of cured rock at once do it slowly. If theres nothing living in the tank then you can buy a lot and let it stablize before adding any living things in there.
  10. stangracer85

    Live Rock

    most will tell you to still qt the rock to make sure you dont unleash any unwanted critters to your dt. If its already cured (from your lfs) to your tank then as long as your not adding alot at once you will be okay.
  11. stangracer85

    Live Rock

    Are you adding this to an already established aquarium? If so it needs to be cured before you add it to make sure it doesnt cycle your tank. You dont have to clean the rock when you do water changes.
  12. stangracer85

    My 125 gal reef

    Very nice tank and great looking sailfin. I also live in springs Airforceman so now that makes a trio of us. I also thought i was the only one here.
  13. stangracer85

    My 24gal

    Originally Posted by daayda3 but I think ill be getting "marine snow" dont waste money on snow buy DT's instead. Tank looks nice...i especially like the sun polyps
  14. stangracer85

    How Many Kinds of Tanks have you had?

    Originally Posted by MeleeRock you have a 155, 550, AND a 900 tank? How do you find time in a day for all of this? My exact thoughts! WOW! Wheres the pics of your lagoon?
  15. stangracer85

    What do you wish you never added to your tank?

    Im still new and this ive read this whole thread and now i know what not to buy as a few i have been looking at. Thanks to you all. The one i would say is a stars and stripes puffer. knew it had potential to eat my invets but lfs told me as long as i fed him well he would leave all alone...
  16. stangracer85

    Which clam do you like the most?

    I put mine in my sand and my lawnmower bleeny keeps pushing it over and when i try to move it on to some rock work towards the top it almost falls off. Any pointers on how to get him to attach to some rock? i havent tried a small piece yet. Just a small flat piece is that the idea and how to get...
  17. stangracer85

    Tank Trim?

    Alright i had to cut off the tank trim on a tank im repairing due to the fact it cracked one piece when pulling it off so instead of risking it cracking the front piece i just cut the trim off the tank. Its a 46 gal bow front tank. How can i make an diy frame?
  18. stangracer85

    Removing trim on tank?

    Yeah i scored it with a razor and then pryed on it with a putty knife and it will flex away from the glass all the way around but i cant seem to get it to go up to come off. Ill try to heat it up i dont have heat gun so maybe some time with a blow drier will do the trick.
  19. stangracer85

    Removing trim on tank?

    I just picked up a 46 gal bowfront tank and i need to replace one side piece of glass and ive been trying to remove the top trim on the glass but i cant seem to get it to come off. Ive scored all the corvers with silicone with a razor blade but still cant seem to get it to come off. Any ideas?
  20. stangracer85

    46 G Bowfront side panel?

    anyone know where i can get replacement glass for this at?