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  1. uncheels

    Is this a good deal?!?!

    24" T5 4 bulb Tek Fixture Its less than a month old and includes the box, and seven bulbs. Asking $280 including the bulbs. 3-AB Specials 2-B+ 2-ULV SAs Any advice here would be appreciated. Thanks Oh and I have a 35 Gallon Hexagon, so 24" would work. Thanks
  2. uncheels

    help with inverts

    So I think my next order from SWF is going to consist of mostly inverts.... more crabs than anything, but I have a few questions. I have a 35 g hexagon tank that has been up and running well for about 8 months. I have 2 emerald crabs, a coral banded shrimp, multiple kinds of snails, and a few...
  3. uncheels

    A little help please...

    Hmmmmmm I wonder if I am better going with a 6light t5 fixture.. they have some cheaper ones on that site as well.... Hmmmm this is hobby is never as simple as youd like
  4. uncheels

    A little help please...

    I have a 35 G hexagon tank for about 8 months now... I am looking to upgrade my lights, and found this on ---- ( sorry in advance if im not allowed to post a link to their site.... Im not sure of the rules). Could someone tell me if this is a good deal and will give me enough light to make my...
  5. uncheels

    My clownfish changed colors!!!

    So I traveled over the holidays and bought a timer for my light on my tank. Well my roomy called and told me the timer wasnt working ( and he was leaving town the next day) so I had him leave the lights on, rather then keep them off for over a week (fear of losing my corals). I have t5 lights...
  6. uncheels

    the thermos blind trade

    If you all are still wanting to keep it going, Id be glad to join in the festivities
  7. uncheels

    Christmas Gifts for my Wife? HELP! Free Frag!

    Crushed .... heartbroken .... having flashbacks of being picked last in middle school basketball....
  8. uncheels

    Christmas Gifts for my Wife? HELP! Free Frag!

    Ok.... ive already told you the best idea in the history of ideas... the picture on a plate from CVS .... but here is another idea that is sure to steal her heart while making all of her girlfriends completely jealous that she gets to come home to you everynight.... drum roll please..... Buy...
  9. uncheels

    Christmas Gifts for my Wife? HELP! Free Frag!

    This is quite possibly the best idea EVER!!!! at CVS you can get any picture you wanted printed onto a plate!! HAHAHA.... how could she not love a picture of you doing something outrageous while she eats?!?! Golden... lol
  10. uncheels

    I need a YELLOW fish... HELP!

    The midas i ordered from this site does have a hint of yellow( i know they change colors) but it is mostly grey and hides in the rocks - only sticking its head out. I like him, dont get me wrong, but its not what I was expecting... and for some reason the royal gramma just doesnt hit the spot...
  11. uncheels

    I need a YELLOW fish... HELP!

    Here is my stock list: 2 perc clowns, 1 midas blenny, 1 sixline wrasse, 1 pajama cardinal. I have a 35 g which limits my selection. I was thinking about a lemonpeel angelfish, but what else could I get?! I need some color in my tank!!!! Haha thanks
  12. uncheels

    Midas Blennies

    How big do Midas Blennies get as an adult?
  13. uncheels

    acclimation help

    Great thanks.... Does anyone know the size of adult midas blennies?
  14. uncheels

    Receiving these today....

    I have a 35 g ..... how big are adult midas blennies?
  15. uncheels

    acclimation help

    I am receiving these today... 1 x Orangeback Basslet - 25% off! 1 x Midas Blenny 1 x Cleaner Shrimp 1 x Bangaii Cardinal - Aquacultured 1 x Cleaner Clam 1 x Nassarius Snail - Group of 10 1 x Pink Tip Haitian Anemone - Half Price! 1 x Coral Banded Shrimp 2 x Emerald Crab Could anyone give me...
  16. uncheels

    Receiving these today....

    1 xOrangeback Basslet - 25% off! 1 xMidas Blenny 1 xCleaner Shrimp 1 xBangaii Cardinal - Aquacultured 1 xCleaner Clam 1 xNassarius Snail - Group of 10 1 xPink Tip Haitian Anemone - Half Price! 1 xCoral Banded Shrimp 2 xEmerald Crab Could anyone give me acclimation times for each of these? The...
  17. uncheels

    angel fish

    are they reef safe?? I heard they will nip at my corals... both soft and hard
  18. uncheels

    angel fish

    I love the singapore.... but doesnt it grow to get pretty big?
  19. uncheels

    angel fish

    My water is great.. corals are looking good and spreading. Right now i have a sixline and 2 clowns... Beofre I add my angel, Im going to get a midas blenny and an orangeback basslet. Im not sure about the colors... but a list of the dozen would be great. Thanks
  20. uncheels

    angel fish

    what are some angel fish that I could put in my 35 g tank? I have waited so they would be the last fish, so now I am ready for it. I know coral beauty, potters, and flame.... but are there any others? Thanks