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  1. austin

    joes juice question

    so i applied the joes juice and the anems appeared to be dying im just curious am i suposed to leave the dead anem in the tank... will it harm anything?
  2. austin

    whats wrong with her eye

    yes one eye looks like that
  3. austin

    whats wrong with her eye

    ok so this morning i went out to run some errands and and all the fish in the tank seemed fine untill i got back and i noticed my female clownfish's eye on one side was swolen to like twice its normal size and there is a hazy like fluid that has to be obscuring the fishes vision. it looks like a...
  4. austin

    Flat worm on mushroom

    just a good rinse thats it?
  5. austin

    Flat worm on mushroom

    last night when I was exploring the new fuzzy mushroom I bought I noticed a small flat worm on it. Can I just take the rock that the mushroom is on, out and pluck him off with some tweezers or do I need to take another approach? Any suggestion is welcome.
  6. austin


    i like carpet anems the best
  7. austin

    when anemones strike back!

    ouch that looks quite painful. I hope you get to feeling better before your party
  8. austin

    Do clowns dig?

    yep as soon as i turn my lights off they jet to the back right corner of the tank and begin to dig a "nest". they have been doing it every night
  9. austin

    Khollas UPDATED Pic

    Its Nice!!!
  10. austin


    mushrooms can split and spread. i have had mushrooms move and leave a piece of their foot behind and i have had the foot extend out a small piece thats maybe an inch or so from the mushroom and that separates and becomes a new mushroom. i had one mushroom frag off 4 other mushrooms in about a month
  11. austin

    My new 12 gal.

    should i dose anything? should i put my rics on the sand or closer to the top? whats a good way to feed rics? I have been in this hobby for over a year now so i know the basics but i just want this to turn our really good so im trying to gather as much knowledge as i can. any tips or tricks...
  12. austin

    Coral banded shrimp Claws gone?!

    when i went to take my CBS out of my tank it ripped its own claws off and died 3 days later
  13. austin

    Sepia bandensis - Dwarf Cuttlefish

    thats really cool.
  14. austin

    My new 12 gal.

    Ok my friend just gave me his 12 gal jbj nano cube and i was thinking about just doing zoos and rics could someone give me some advice on making a good tank? ill post pics later
  15. austin

    My 90g Reef at 20 months

    i love ur shrimp goby
  16. austin

    check these out

    very nice.
  17. austin

    is bottled water ok

    thanks for the quick reply.
  18. austin

    is bottled water ok

    well my lfs has been closed for a week because they are moving to a new location, the water in my 30gal is about an incher lower than normal and my lfs doesnt open till tomorrow. would it be ok to top off my tank with bottled water untill then -Austin
  19. austin

    callin all Texans

    Originally Posted by bioneck47 I'm from Abilene and I sometimes go to the lfs's when I'm in Dallas and IMO Dallas North Aquariums in Addison is the best. Awesome place! dallas north -1
  20. austin

    Potters/leopard Wrasse with Coral Branded Shrimp?

    when I went to get my CBS out to trade him he grabbed onto the net and ripped his claws off... he died the next day