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  1. nofishnplease

    Tang Identify

    kole tang
  2. nofishnplease

    I use bioballs, and I hope you do too!

    i used bio balls for 6 yrs now...never touched them or cleaned them..never had a problem...also i used tap water to top problem there either
  3. nofishnplease

    Tap water??

    Originally Posted by hiredgun18 I don't have a ro/di unit yet. Should i still do water changes with tap water? I've been using tap water for almost a year now witha 55 and 20 gallon fuge/simp. And have just been filling up when water evaporates. My parameters stay good. But i do get a bit of a...
  4. nofishnplease


    Originally Posted by BAMACJ5 i purchased 10 hermits about two weeks ago, they have been doing fine they eat all the algea and any food that hits the sand , about two days ago one was pulled out of his shell or climbed out for what ever reason and died, i removed him but left his shell, there...
  5. nofishnplease

    swaping substrate

    i had the same thing in a 120g...i removed all of the substrate and added live sand..tank was cloudy for a couple of days but i didnt lose any fish
  6. nofishnplease

    adding a 30g???

    i have a wet/dry...with the hob skimmer box...
  7. nofishnplease

    adding a 30g???

    how can i add a 30g tank to my existing 120g tall...i want it off to the side but tied in with existing system
  8. nofishnplease

    How many people over 30 work out regularly?

    Originally Posted by crimzy Just curious. Since "adulthood", I find it difficult to spend the time working out that I used to. Now it's all kids, wife, job, and everything else before exercising. And when I do get to the gym, it's mostly young people... and a few older obese people who...
  9. nofishnplease

    SFE not eating

    Originally Posted by sean48183 Sorry to hear about this. These things happen. They are generally very hardy animals so I wouldn't hesitate getting another one. thanks...still not sure lion fish did the same thing...had him for about a yr it was about a foot long..and just stopped...
  10. nofishnplease

    SFE not eating

    well 8 days later it wondering if the squid i fead it was the problem. could i of overfead him..its a shame..he was about 2ft long and really felt like it was about 3lbs..i fead him silversides and krill for a year then added squid and 3week later it died
  11. nofishnplease

    SFE not eating

    Originally Posted by crypt keeper My SFe would only eat krill. It was odd. i would supplement every once ina while but if its eating the krill then soak it in some vitamins and then feed. wont eat anything
  12. nofishnplease

    SFE not eating

    im just lion fish did this a year ago and went a month...but never ate again and died
  13. nofishnplease

    SFE not eating

    i have a full grown SFE i feed it every other day for the last year..i feed it silversides and krill...i recently bought 8oz pack of sqiud to mix his diet up a 4oz into the pack...about 4days ago i feed it 3 pieces of squid the next morning i found everything i feed it at the bottom of...
  14. nofishnplease

    squid or silversides?

  15. nofishnplease

    squid or silversides?

    which is better for a snowflak eel
  16. nofishnplease

    Snowflake eel in my and advice

    my sfe is about 20 inches long...i have about 30 blue legged hermit crabs and a coarl banded shrimp...never is intrested in any of them...i feed mine squid and silversides...
  17. nofishnplease

    colt coral vs condi anemone

  18. nofishnplease

    colt coral vs condi anemone

    my condi anemone moved right next to my small colt coral...will it kill it if it rubs onto it...the reason i ask is because i had a bunch of purple mushrooms where the anemone moved to last all of those mushrooms are gone.
  19. nofishnplease

    one more question about eel tank

    i use egg crate...never had a problem...i have an SFE about 18inches
  20. nofishnplease

    damsel problem?

    i have a 3yr old domino damsel...its about the size of my palm...i like the fish but i hate that it burrough the sand and makes a sand pushes the sand to the side so the sand is about 4 inches on the edges and about 1 inch around the middle. is that gonna cause a problem?