Search results

  1. apexkw

    u2 uv sterilizer

    does anybody know about the new u2 uv sterilizer by custom sealife? i was thinking about purchasing a 8 or 9 watt unit for my 60 gallon tank. i like the idea of the u tube so that it gets a double dose of bacteria killing...muhahahahha :mad:
  2. apexkw

    Uv sterilizer

    well the guy finally wrote me back and now he claims that it is INFACT a 300 watt bulb. he told me that you need double the wattage compared to your tank. in otherwords he said since he has 150 gallon tank he needed a 300 watt bulb. is he crazy or something. the only thing i can think of is...
  3. apexkw

    Uv sterilizer

    well the guy hasnt emailed me back yet the only thing i reall know is that is 300 watt( so he says) i dont know about the bulb and he cant remember who makes it. he also doesnt have the box instructions or anything. i have a 60 gallon reef tank. all readings are good. 0 nitrate/trites 0...
  4. apexkw

    has anyone ordered lr from

    i ordered lr from swf and i am completely satisfied. the rock arrived quickly and the pieces are beater than anything around my area. there were a lot of different rocks from big to small and i got alot of nice looking rocks too. most have alot of growth on them too.
  5. apexkw

    New live rock prep.

    i got some a while back and was very happy with it. i used it to cycle my new 60gallon tank. since you said you were going to cycle with it i would just toss it in and let it cycle with your tank. just remember to have some circulation in your tank and then just moniter the levels of water...
  6. apexkw

    Uv sterilizer

    how much would you pay for a uv sterilizer. does 150 sound like a good price? its a year old, but i cant remember the brand so i will get back to you guys on that. also do you think a tank really needs one? thx
  7. apexkw

    Glass vs Acrylic

    on my acrylic tank i have a sponge that is only for acrylic. also i clean the glass by hand not with a magnet that way i can make sure that there isnt any sand in the sponge. and for the hard to remove coraline algea i have a plastic sraper similar to the metal ones for glass. several lfs's...
  8. apexkw

    water test levels

    in my saltwater test kit it says that my nitrates should be between 20-40ppm. sam you said i should wait until it falls to zero. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> i am somewhat confused. as for my alk i will test that today after i buy a test kit :D so i...
  9. apexkw

    water test levels

    i just did a water test and boy was i surprised!!! ammonia = 0 ph = went down to about 7.8 nitrate = 20 ppm nitrite jumped to 1 well how do i get my ph back up? maybe by using a buffer? and do i have to just wait out my nitrite again. i recently added about 50lbs of live rock."almost a week...
  10. apexkw

    halloween or electric hermit crab

    my lfs is getting a bunch of electric blues on friday. and since this will be going into my new tank that has no corals yet i think he will be ok. since he will have no corals to bother yet. i think that crab is simply awesome. its legs and colors are so unusual. i just keep thinking to...
  11. apexkw

    How do you catch a Tang??

    i was at the lfs today and they used a clear box that had no top and then they just chased it into the box with a net. didnt take them 2 minutes to do it.
  12. apexkw

    halloween or electric hermit crab

    i was wondering if you guys have ever seen one of these crabs. i think they come from hawaii. but the electric blue one is really amazing. i have seen a couple different color markings on the halloween so i was wondering if you had any pics of yours. also are they just like a normal crab...
  13. apexkw

    Ordering from

    i ordered some live rock from them on monday and i got a email wednesday night saying that it would be here friday. but of course it came thursday and i wasnt here, so i am waiting for it now to arrive. but i think it depends where you live because i live in orlando and miami isnt that far...
  14. apexkw

    Live Rock

    hey everbody i am just trying to get the best stuff i can. i am ordering about 40pounds of lr from swf but i wanted to shop around and find some more places also. secondly you can post links and talk about other websites now. i remember swf did a poll a while back. i love swf its my favorite...
  15. apexkw

    Live Rock

    do you mean marine depot live?
  16. apexkw

    Live Rock

    who .com
  17. apexkw

    Live Rock

    i know it seems a bit expensive but i thought having fully cured rock was a good idea. also i am waiting to hear back from swf and aquacon. so tk2020 you had bad luck with them huh?hmmm i am vacilating now as to what i should do. the only thing about swf i didnt like was their selection of...
  18. apexkw

    Live Rock

    thanks for the quick replies and i have vowed never to go to that store again. is the place i was wondering about.i am not sure if the link will work is their web address. about halfway down the lr page there is a special were you can combine the different...
  19. apexkw

    Live Rock

    Hey everybody i am preparing to order lr from and another place I found on the internet called I was wondering if anybody has every ordered from them. Also it seems like their lr is really good. Can anybody tell me about's lr? Is it cured already? I cannot...
  20. apexkw

    Pop eye

    thanks i was just curious