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  1. convbmw

    Hello all. I havent been here in a while but I have 2 NEW Diamond Gobis and I ............

    Quote: Originally Posted by IBEW41 I had 1 for over a year then it jumped out,and then got a replacement it lasted 3 weeks in dt and jumped.They need a canopy or netting for best bet on keeping them BOINGGGGGG !!!!!!!!!! Yeah, tell me about it. They jump something fierce. Gotta admit that its...
  2. convbmw

    Hello all. I havent been here in a while but I have 2 NEW Diamond Gobis and I ............

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef This is what almost all of us do, which might be why you haven't gotten any other responses, LOL. Good luck with them, Diamond Gobies and I have a love/hate relationship. It's the one fish I can not keep alive :-( LOL. Welll, there ya go. Means I am doing...
  3. convbmw

    Hello all. I havent been here in a while but I have 2 NEW Diamond Gobis and I ............

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef When I QT sand sifters, I give them a plastic container full of sand from my DT so that they can sift. They usually end up making a mess and sifting it out of the container, but it definitely helps. GREAT suggestion. Just did that. I am just hoping that...
  4. convbmw

    Is there such a thing as a natural white Long Tentacle Anemone?

    As GORGEOUS as it is, it appears to be bleached. I got one back in the day that was yellow. It was beautiful but yeah, no so much. LOL
  5. convbmw

    Hello all. I havent been here in a while but I have 2 NEW Diamond Gobis and I ............

    have a few questions for the community. I havent been on in a while as everything has been wonderful and stable. I got 2 Diamond Gobis today and placed them in a 10 gal QT with no sand. At the LFS, they were acting as the norm but now they seem REALLLLLY quiet in the tank. Not moving around, 1...
  6. convbmw

    Cant figure out for the life of me what is wrong but it doesnt look good :( :(

    Quote: Originally Posted by nikeSB i would lower the coral and keep it in lower light for awhile Will do. thanks :)
  7. convbmw

    Cant figure out for the life of me what is wrong but it doesnt look good :( :(

    Quote: Originally Posted by GeoJ   Yep, not knowing the waste water numbers and that it looks like it ditched all of is zooxanthllae. I would guess it has to much light and is over fed at this time. Will do. thanks :)
  8. convbmw

    Cant figure out for the life of me what is wrong but it doesnt look good :( :(

    Quote: Originally Posted by Posiden Soooo,   Adding light to a stressed coral is not really a good thing. What lights are you running? Wattage? Age of the bulbs? Distance above the water? Size of tank or the dimensions? Maybe do a water change. The reason for doing them is to replace the things...
  9. convbmw

    Cant figure out for the life of me what is wrong but it doesnt look good :( :(

    Quote: Originally Posted by GeoJ   Post the water levels and temp when you lost the color...   I would love to but I have had 2 water changes since it started.   Temp it at about 72-75 degrees.  
  10. convbmw

    Cant figure out for the life of me what is wrong but it doesnt look good :( :(

    Quote: Originally Posted by nikeSB bleached. have you changed your lighting recently? added carbon? moved it higher?     Thanks for your reply.   Its about 8 inches away from the lights. Actually added new lights after this happened thinking that there might be a correlation. Havent added any...
  11. convbmw

    Cant figure out for the life of me what is wrong but it doesnt look good :( :(

    Hello my fellow fishologists !!!   Havent been on the board for a while as all has been well with the tank.   I have a soft coral that I inherited when I got the tank 3 years ago. Its always been healthy looking and very green and it would open up big and pretty.   Welllllllll, I dont know what...
  12. convbmw

    Please give me some opinions please :) Com on, ya know we all have them.

    I am thinking about 2 URI/ATI 48" Super Actinic V-HO T5 54 watts bulbs and 2 URI/ATI 48" Actinic White V-HO T5 54 watts bulbs in my 80 gal full reef tank. (live rock, soft coral, fish). Anyone got any thoughts or opinions ?? My goal is to balance good looks with growth. If there is a...
  13. convbmw

    Upside Down Sebae?

    How long have you had it ?? if its relatively new, it will cruise around to find a spot. Moving heads, changing water flow wont do anything to keep him in one spot. They do what they do, when they want to do it.
  14. convbmw

    Mixing chemicals question.

    Hello all, I use amquel + and NovAqua and prime. I have had GREAT results on managing. I had come cyano issues and I used a buffer and it worked WONDERS. Can anyone chime in on a suggested order of use and the time NOT to use in between ?? Thank you in advance.
  15. convbmw

    Need help with algae outbreak

    I had the same issues. Something that i tried and it worked REALLY WELL. I used amquel and novaqua +, prime and also a buffer. It was AMAZING how it all cleared up. The REAL PAIN is getting red of the algae 1st. I took a paint brush, attached it to a stick and just brushed it all off. Then did a...
  16. convbmw

    There Is No Way That This Is Good. Oh No !!!!

    Originally Posted by Beth Hard to see it exactly, does it look like an irregular shaped cotton ball, or just scales missing? If the latter, it may be the beginnings of Head and Lateral Line Erosion, which is consistent with the use of carbon. If its the former, then it may be lymphocyctis...
  17. convbmw

    There Is No Way That This Is Good. Oh No !!!!

    Started a carbon treatment yesterday afternoon and THIS started happening to my yellow tang. If you look on the side, it is like its scales are peeling away. I thought I saw a little dot earlier today and NOW.......ITS GETTING BIGGER AND BIGGER. per Beths instructions. here are the details. <...
  18. convbmw

    There Is No Way That This Is Good. Oh No !!!!

    Originally Posted by mboswell1982 if you have a QT set up and cycled, id throw him in it ASAP!! Yeah, i was thinking that. not cycled though. In the garage. UGHHHHHHHHH
  19. convbmw

    There Is No Way That This Is Good. Oh No !!!!

    Originally Posted by crimzy Looks like a fungal infection to me. There are some meds on the market that can be used for this. However, aside from this, that tank looks deathly skinny to me. Is it eating? You should post your tank size, water parameters, what type of tank (reef or FOWLR)...