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  1. kaingers

    New clownfish tank

    How old is the tank? Do you have any other fish in the tank? What do you test your SG with? In my experience when your water is too salty, fish will not eat. Hope this helps
  2. kaingers

    need advice on JBJ quad....

    I liked my JBJ, but it needed an upgraded pump. I had a problem with heat, but thats understood when you put 150 watts over a 12 gallon tank. I really have not messed with any of the new nano's, but I really like the cleaness of the Solana's. Best of luck!
  3. kaingers

    Ready for a bigger tank...what to buy??

    I have never bought a new setup and Ive been in the hobby for a couple years now. You will save a bunch of money, but you have to be patient and wait for the right one for you. With a FOWLR you are going to want the same filtration as a reef tank. A sump/fuge will always aid in this process, and...
  4. kaingers

    Live Rock Lighting Question

    From my experience coraline algae likes the power compacts. If you seed the tank with a piece of LR with coraline on it you'll have it growing everywhere with those lights in 3 months. Make sure to keep the rock you purchase with coraline submerged at all times!
  5. kaingers

    Blue Hippo dried up on floor

    I had the same thing happen to me. I highly recommend the light diffuser to prevent jumping. $10 goes a long way keeping your $60+ fish off the floor
  6. kaingers

    Full Tank Shot from today :)

    Great looking tank, love the TEK fixtures. Keep up the good work!
  7. kaingers

    What order to add fish?

    Do it in the order you have it above
  8. kaingers

    how long can coraline sruvive out of water?

    < 30 seconds is my vote
  9. kaingers

    Anyone earning money from youtube?

    I'm struggling to follow you guys, I'm just laughing imagining a women trying to figure it out! In a recent TIME magazine they talked about some videos on Youtube making revenue of 40k+. Try googling it
  10. kaingers

    Fish and Invert ideas

    Thanks for the input you guys! Ima wait a couple more months and let the tank mature.
  11. kaingers

    Buy 2 Perc's or 1 First then the other later?

    +1 same time. If they are similar in size, they will figure out who's who. If there is a larger fish in the community tank, get that one and any another. Something I like to do is observe them for 10 or so minutes and see who likes to hang out with who. It then becomes difficult to remember...
  12. kaingers

    anemone has split

    Thats pretty awesome! I have a GBTA also and it has been really stringy recently, and I'm not sure if its doing the same thing, or if it is PO'ed that I took the clowns that were hosting it out of the tank. How long would you say the process took?!
  13. kaingers

    Fish and Invert ideas

    Thanks for the book suggestions and replies. My tanks been up 2 months. I have around 75lbs of LR. All my parameters are good, no ammonia, nitrites, or nitrates thanks to my sump. The calcium and KH were a little low, but I dose and test accordingly. I watch my pH and adjust by buffering my ATO...
  14. kaingers

    Fish and Invert ideas

    My g/f went to a LFS the other day and the guy told her that we could get another goby to along with our yellow watchman. We have a 55 gallon corner tank, and I didn't think that information was correct?! Also, what kind of starfish can I get thats easy to care for, reef safe, and likes to be on...
  15. kaingers

    What will eat algae off sand?

    goby's, sand sifting starfish, nassarius snails. They might not all eat it, but they will help it from occuring by keeping the sand stirred up
  16. kaingers

    pH reading 8.4

    If your tap water is putting out a pH reading of 8.4, I wouldn't be adding any more buffer for your top offs! Thats an acceptable reading, but I would be careful not to exceed it. Can't wait to see pictures of the tank!
  17. kaingers

    Where to buy tanks?

    Craigslist it!
  18. kaingers

    What is everyone useing for chemicals in thair reef tanks

    I dose seachem calcium, builder, or buffer, depending on my weekly tests. I also alternate Vitachem and PhytoChrom weekly for my filter feaders I found that adding buffer to my top-off everytime was excessive for the pH of my DT, so I test pH before I top-off my top-off. My bi-weekly water...
  19. kaingers

    Ill Clownfish, Help me!

    "Bubbles are a no-no in saltwater. You want surface agitation" If all you have on your tank is a HOB filter, increasing the height the water drops to the water surface not only creates more surface agitation, it increases the oxygen in the water. What do you think protein skimmers do? create...
  20. kaingers

    Ill Clownfish, Help me!

    You might just need more oxygen exchange. Make sure your filter is dropping atleast an inch to the water surface to create bubbles. I would also check the salinity of the water. Your tank parameters would help. How long has the tank been setup?