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  1. thetoyman13

    Is this true.

    Let Nature have its way, my clowns never looked at my nem for the first 4 months it was in the tank, then one morning when the lights came on the were both snuggled tight in the nem, now after a year i have a total of 5 nems from the splits--and the clowns still go into the first nem that...
  2. thetoyman13


    I had to resorte to useing flatworm exit---i followed the instructions very carefully--except that i use most med at half strength--it called for one drop per gal. Now in my 90 gal tank i have 125lbs live rock, 2" crushed coral, so i figure in my 90gal tank i have between 70--75 gals of water...
  3. thetoyman13


    My thanks to all who have tried to help me with this problem Today i added an 8 line Wrasse the my LFS said would be a great help, he said the 8 line will grow bigger than the 6, but for now thats ok in my tank--and he is beautiful. again thanks to all
  4. thetoyman13


    Sorry about the spelling i was in a hurry--and my keyboard doesn't know how to spell......
  5. thetoyman13


    I have a 90 gal reef tank, i now have 100's of tiny rust color squares moving around my tank and gathering around my carpet nem--i have been tole thay are flat worms..... can anyone tell me how to safely rid my tank of them???????
  6. thetoyman13

    Carpet Nem Spawing???

    thanks--if they are flat worms--do you know how i can get rid of them???
  7. thetoyman13

    Carpet Nem Spawing???

    [BI have a carpet nem for about a year now i think it is a S.hadoni He --or she is in my 90 reef tank ,two months ago it moved about a foot.stayed there and before it started to move back to its original, i found the sandy bottom around it covered in little rust colored specks, didnt think much...
  8. thetoyman13

    Mini Carpet Anemone

    Go to your LFS and ask them if they can order some for you, mine did for me--it might take awhile.
  9. thetoyman13

    He Thought he could fly!!

    OK--OK--SHALL WE ALL MOVE ON NOW LIKE ADULTS??? Now for my tank glass tops keep too much heat in the tank with my MH lighting, egg crate is a pain to clean, and the heat from the MH softens the egg crage to the point it sags into the water, now for netting that is a much bigger pain to take on...
  10. thetoyman13

    He Thought he could fly!!

    Any fish that thinks he can fly --has to be a "CLOWN"!!
  11. thetoyman13

    He Thought he could fly!!

    I Had a beautiful Hawk fish for about 9 months, he "was" beautiful althou he could be a pain. He would just sit on my corals, making them close up tight, he ate my shrimp. Well sometime friday night i guess he thought he could fly, i found him saturday morning almost 5 ft. away from the end of...
  12. thetoyman13

    Saturday Night Fight

    Sat. night i was looking at my 90gal under the moon lights, its about the only time i see my Marine Betta, as i was looking for him my strawberry crab was sneeking around. He roamed over to my big carpet with my pair of Black and White clowns sleeping in the carpet folds<(they look dead when...
  13. thetoyman13

    Nem Split--again

    its a 29 gal bio-cube, i change about 5gals once ever two weeks-i make my own RO-D water. Now i need to put one in my 90 gal, i have just the place for him--i hope he likes it---haha.. I just covered all the power heads today , that i learned the hard way about 6 months ago, they do make a nice...
  14. thetoyman13

    How to get clowns to host

    mine were together almost six months before the clown went to the nem, and now when the nem closes to expell waste one clown sleeps in my feather duster---that is so cute--have been trying to get a pic of that.
  15. thetoyman13

    Nem Split--again

    I bought the one about a year ago, it was about 3-4 inches across, it took my clowns almost 6 months to warm up to it. It moved into its spot about three days after i put it in tank, and has been there ever since.
  16. thetoyman13

    Nem Split--again

    not sure if he ---or she--was stressed, but after the first split that one was in direct curent, and they both get a sliver slide and or krill several times a week, Neither one ever looks stressed, always fully open, hosts my clowns, allways full color, ever when expelling waste they never...
  17. thetoyman13

    Nem Split--again

    Yes they are doing so well in there i hate to try and move one, but if i do move one i will try and put it in my 90 gal tank, at the end away from my big carpet nem.
  18. thetoyman13

    Nem Split--again

    Sorry forgot to add pics
  19. thetoyman13

    Nem Split--again

    Two and a half months ago my 14in nem split into 2 8 in nems--wow i was thrilled. Last night when feeding my fish and nems the one split nem look bad and really deflated, almost limo and dead looking, and now this morning when the lights came on, i now have three nems. All three full and great...
  20. thetoyman13

    how do you clean your tank when.....

    I have a black foxface, and when i stick my hand and arm in the tank i just wiggle my fingers and he goes and hides in a cave till i am done, but i do keep an eye on him with my arm in the tank,he has never come near me