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  1. jharlow

    Best place to buy mantis shrimp?

    With a nickname of 'thumbsplitter' by fishermen, I am not sure if I would want to chance it personally They are a very interesting looking creature for sure though!
  2. jharlow

    black light ok??for evening

    Do a search on here for black lights. I think I recall reading that they were harmful, but don't quote me on that. One of the mods actually did an experiment with them.
  3. jharlow

    Parrot Fish

    That is simply horrible. It is amazing what some humans will do to make a buck....
  4. jharlow

    blue ring octopus question

    The blue-ringed octopus is the size of a golf ball, but its venom is powerful enough to kill humans. There is no known antidote. The octopus produces venom that contains tetrodotoxin, 5-hydroxytryptamine, hyaluronidase, tyramine, histamine, tryptamine, octopamine, taurine, acetylcholine, and...
  5. jharlow

    Any suggestions?

    Sorry to read about your loss! I would think this could be a strong possibility. Any type of pollutant will be detrimental to a reef system. Even a single flake of dried soap can wipe a system out. When you think large scale, the runoff from your roof in Illinois makes it to the Gulf of Mexico...
  6. jharlow

    Is this Ich?

    I am leaning toward copper treatment. Something about taking the salinity so low bothers me for some reason, especially with the holidays coming up (travel, etc). In addition after talking to 2 local LFS today, I have ordered a UV sterilizer and will be adding that to the system as well. Another...
  7. jharlow

    Is this Ich?

    I appreciate the invite, and am likely to take you up on that offer! I am thinking about using a 55gal rubbermaid container, and using a fluval 404 for filtration, and do a partial water change every few days as needed. My fish list in my 125 is as follows: Blue Tang Yellow Tang 2 Benggai...
  8. jharlow

    Is this Ich?

    Thanks for your help! I will begin setting up a hospital tank in the morning. If nothing else this will give me an excuse to re-arrange some rock in the tank while the fish are 'vacationing'.
  9. jharlow

    Is this Ich?

    You guys sure do know how to ruin my day Yes the spots on the black, are white. Having never dealt with this before, do I need to treat all the fish, or just the tang? I can not treat the DT, due to the amount of corals and inverts present.
  10. jharlow

    Is this Ich?

    Thanks Beth. Here is a larger photo....
  11. jharlow

    Is this Ich?

    I first noticed a few small white spots on my blue tang last week, and have been monitoring it since. Today it seems as if there are more. It is the only fish I see them on.
  12. jharlow

    How many people use RO Units?

    You bring up a good point of waste water. After all water is our most precious resource, and it made me sick watching gallons go down the drain. So I came up with a few ways that I could utilize the 'bad' water: Fill washing machine up Replenish Outdoor water feature and Irrigation (these two...
  13. jharlow

    Pistol Shrimp Snapping

    My tiger pistol is best buds with a diamond watchman goby. They are inseparable. Speaking of snapping, I just heard him as I was typing this
  14. jharlow

    get a shop vac!

    No offense, but anything from good ole wal mart I would not trust any further than I could throw it.
  15. jharlow

    Pistol Shrimp Snapping

    Sue, This is very normal behavior. They are actually nearly blind and can not see very far at all (hence the usual relationship they have with a goby) and it might just be snapping to ward off any potential predators, or even a hermit crab might have intruded his burrow, which will cause him to...
  16. jharlow

    feather duster poop?

    Yes he was shooting his sperm into the water. I would venture to guess you have multiple feather dusters...
  17. jharlow

    Cleaner Shrimp Problem!!!!!!

    Why not just feed him as well? A small piece of krill, or a small piece of a silverside works well.
  18. jharlow

    Hair algae is coming more and more

    From everything I know tap water = disaster. Do yourself a favor and either get an RO/DI setup, or stock up on RO water at wal mart when you are there. Our goal in this hobby is to re-create natures conditions, and when it rains over the oceans the rainwater does not have chlorine, fluoride...
  19. jharlow

    Refugium question.

    No my fuge and sump are not hang ons. I got tired of looking at all the contraptions hanging on the back of the tank and upgraded I use a 10gal tank for my fuge, and my sump is an Eshopps 25gal sump. What if you put the cheato into a mesh bag of some type? That would cut down on it rolling around.
  20. jharlow

    Refugium question.

    The way I have mine setup is a 145gph pump in the sump, which pumps into my fuge, then have another 145gph pump inside the fuge which returns the water to the sump. It has been going for 3 weeks now and seems to be doing fine.