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  1. jharlow

    Keeping a cleaner shrimp

    I typically hand feed both of mine a small piece of cut silversides or krill. They also will eat any food that is added to the tank, as well as scavenge. Honestly out of the 60 living animals in my tank, the cleaner shrimp are my favorite (with my lobster a close second). I highly recommend them!
  2. jharlow

    Brittle Star with pistol shrimp?

    I too have 2 brittle stars, and a serpant star along with 2 pistol shrimps of different species. No problems here at all. The Caribbean pistol has quite an attitude, and I would dare anything to try and eat him.
  3. jharlow

    Shrimp and bioload

    Virtually zero strain on the bioload since they are a scavenger, & they usually benefit the ecosystem by removing uneaten food / detritus.
  4. jharlow

    my shrimp has eggs!

    I found out today that what I thought was a male cleaner shrimp, is indeed a female..and shes got a belly full of eggs!!! It must be shrimp breeding season with all of the posts in this regard!!!
  5. jharlow

    Alage in tank!

    I'm not an expert by any means, but something I have already learned in my 3 months of reef keeping is that frozen brine shrimp is very high in phosphates, which will encourage algae growth like mad. Do yourself a favor and switch to freeze dried brine, and that should help out for ya!
  6. jharlow

    my shrimp has eggs!

    Congrats on being a daddy! Although I am a newbie to the hobby, my best guess would be to move her to your QT tank or fuge and see what happens.
  7. jharlow

    peppermint and cleaner shrimp

    Mine typically just grab scraps of food floating by, but I do also hand feed them 2-3x a week a small piece of krill or silverside. Beyond supplemental iodine (for molting) I don't think there is much else they require.
  8. jharlow

    Who names their fish?

    Percula Clowns = Marlin & Coral (Nemo hasn't hatched yet) Yellow Tang= Bubbles Blue Tang = Miss Blue 6line = Deb Cleaner Shrimp = Jacques and Jacquette Lawnmower Blenny = Briggs The rest I have not named... yet. Give me time and even the corals will have names
  9. jharlow

    Trapping a purple lobster

    I have only had mine for a month or so, and the one time he molted it was to the right of his home, however this may not mean anything. You can purchase frozen silversides at most LFS. Give it a shot, I am sure he will find it no matter where you place it.
  10. jharlow

    Trapping a purple lobster

    If he is eating your fish, it means he is hungry, obviously. Try this: take a small piece of live rock rubble, defrost a whole silverside, and use a rubber band to attach the silverside to the rock. Drop it into the tank near his den and he will find it. This is how I used to feed my lobster...
  11. jharlow

    Trapping a purple lobster

    My best suggestion would be to get up in the middle of the night and try to find him then. My blue spiny lobster is hidden 95% of the time during the day, but at night the tank is his to roam.
  12. jharlow

    Latest, latest FTS

    Your tank is going to be absolutely amazing in a few years when all of those frags grow. I am jealous!!! lol
  13. jharlow

    best shrimp

    I would go with a Red Cleaner Shrimp. They love to clean every chance they get, and their personality can not be beat!
  14. jharlow

    Best deals you've gotten

  15. jharlow

    Aquarium Maintenance Business?

    While I do not own an aquarium maintenance business, I did take something that I was passionate about (ponds & waterfalls done right) and turned it into a full time job for myself and now three others. To be successful in ANY business one has to have passion and a desire to succeed. If you think...
  16. jharlow

    Reef Crystals - High Phosphate

    Funny you should say that I emailed them yesterday and basically told them what I said in my original post. They responded and asked for a sample for testing. I will keep you posted....
  17. jharlow

    Reef Crystals - High Phosphate

    It is a perfect powder. No problems with clumping.
  18. jharlow

    Featherduster Breeding

    I saw one of the coolest things possible yesterday morning as I passed by my tank. I noticed one of my 4 feather dusters spraying a dark mist into the water about every 30-45 seconds. This went on for at least 5 minutes. Upon investigation it was apparently trying to make babies Here is a pic I...
  19. jharlow

    Reef Crystals - High Phosphate

    I have never had this problem before but I have been having a consistently high ( .5 mg/L) phosphate reading in my tank which is growing a wonderful crop of green hair algae all over my live rock. I have tried numerous things to get it under control but to no avail. So yesterday as I was mixing...
  20. jharlow

    Fish Problem

    Thanks for the help guys and gals. Sadly the little guy passed this morning. Now that I have had a chance to breathe a bit, here is some more information on my tank and setup. I purchased the 125gal tank, stand, 650w lighting system with canopy, RO system, 150 lbs live rock, sand, chiller unit...