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  1. lulabulla

    my new lil girl

    thanks for all the info.. first off the day i wrote the post she didnt not float at all. the next morning i found her flating for the first time and she is flating since. i do believe it is GBS as well now and wanst sure how to treat it. i have read DIAMOX or a preassure tank. ??? i had no luck...
  2. lulabulla

    my new lil girl

    im trying to post some pictures but im having problems, can anyone let me know how to do it so i can post pictures of her please.. thanks
  3. lulabulla

    my new lil girl

    Hi everyone.. its been a while since ive beeen on but i finally took the plunge and got a Kuda seahorse :) yeah... i have a concern tho i have had her for 2 weeks now and when i first got her she looked a little thin.. since it was my first time being a horsey mommy i wasnt 100% sure if she...
  4. lulabulla

    pipefish emergency

    ok she has gotten in to the death stare phase. from what i have read this is a helpless phase and nothing can be done. this is so horrible to watch i wish i could help. i also noticed she she is doing something that looks like coughing. does anyone know what that means? hopefully i can learn...
  5. lulabulla

    pipefish emergency

    Originally Posted by novahobbies It's doubtful hydroids would be such a problem with an animal as large as a pipefish, but you may be looking at some kind of parasite. Yes, you can freshwater dip a pipefish the same way you would a seahorse, but be very observant of the animal while in the dip...
  6. lulabulla

    pipefish emergency

    i have a dragonface pipefish. she was completely normal yesterday but this morning i noticed she was not acting right. as a matter of fact i looked at her with my magnifying glass just to check her out last night, & i just looked at her after she had some spasm swimming and is laying on the...
  7. lulabulla

    Dragon Face Pipe Fish

    i have a dragonface pipefish as well. i sadly just lost one of them . as for keeping them, they have the same needs as a seahorse. meaning low water current, only non aggressive and non competitive feeding fish or other tank mates!!!!! i dont know if yours is trained to eat frozen, but if...
  8. lulabulla

    Nursery tank help

    i just got back from visiting a friend who has seahorses. he thinks they are kuda and they just had babies 3-4 days ago. he needs help raising them as he doesnt know what to do. he told me he would give me a bunch of them to see if i would have luck with them as he has maybe had a 1% servival...
  9. lulabulla

    YAYYY...I DID IT (w/pics)

    Originally Posted by meowzer One more pic what a kodak moment :) congrats on the your little ones, they are beautiful!!
  10. lulabulla

    Refugiums for all nanos!

    what are you doing for light in the fuge? im starting my fuge with lrr and chaeto. i havent put chaeto in yet and and needed to figure out a light source. i like your set up!!
  11. lulabulla

    feeding emergency

    Originally Posted by novahobbies LOL, pm me and send me your email address........ No, I'm not going to send you pods, but I'll email you something that will help. PM sent
  12. lulabulla

    feeding emergency

    Originally Posted by novahobbies How are you presenting the cyclopeeze to the pipe? Is it possible that she's not seeing enough of it to generate a feeding response? OTOH, you could consider setting up a pod breeding tank and just keep a supply of live pods on hand. Pod breeding tanks aren't...
  13. lulabulla

    feeding emergency

    hi all i got my dragonface pipes almost 2 weeks ago. when i first got them they were eating frozen. through out the time with me i want to say they got spoiled and were eating any live food in the tank and now are not responding to frozen at all. i have cyclopeez mysis and tigerpods...
  14. lulabulla

    new dragonface pipefish

    Originally Posted by dingus890 For some reason I get the feeling they are both females. Glad they are doing well LOL i think they are both girls too... i wonder if she cares her name is walter? LOL my daughter named her hahaha.
  15. lulabulla

    new dragonface pipefish

    Originally Posted by novahobbies So, it's been two days...have they acclimated well? How are they doing? ....can I have one??? so my new little guys/gals are doing great!!! they eat like little piggies :) i feed them 2 or 3 times a day and they eat frozen just great and like to snack on the...
  16. lulabulla

    new dragonface pipefish

    Originally Posted by Reef_Dart21 good choice in pipefish i love mine easy to breed also but fry living not so much since you said yours breed... can you tell the diff. from you boy and girl? also what do you feed yours? if you have pics i'd like to see them :) thanks :)
  17. lulabulla

    new dragonface pipefish

    Originally Posted by Rykna Your new pipe fish are gorgeous!! Quick question..."when you say getting "ponies" for their new tank you ponies(dwarf seahorses) or their larger cousins horses(Seahorses)? thanks they are very cute and fun to watch.. i was talking about dwarfs. i read...
  18. lulabulla

    new dragonface pipefish

    thanks everyone... so far so good. they are deffinatly loving all the copepods and other little thingys in the tank. ive been feeding the frozen cyclpos but i think they perfer the live stuff... hopefully they will still eat frozen too as its just an extra. im also hatching bbs so they have a...
  19. lulabulla

    new dragonface pipefish

    im so excited i just got 2 dragonface pipefish today. they are sooooo cute and omgosh i cant stop watching them. so i just have a few questions.... 1~they fed them frozen cyclops at the lfs and they eat frozen.. my question is- is frozen mysis better? i have read all the things they eat but...
  20. lulabulla


    yes, its a dragonface pipefish. they are beautiful and i have 2 of them. good luck with him they are so fun to watch (how do you know its a him?) :)