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  1. heirfaus

    VIDEO question: growth/bleaching

    Originally Posted by spanko How long ago was the light change? It does take some time for coral to acclimate to new lighting. Thinkd about the pupils in your eyes. In the dark they are open wide to take in the lower intensity light that is available. Now turn on the lights and boom your puplis...
  2. heirfaus

    VIDEO question: growth/bleaching

    So today I turned on the lights at 2:00 pm and right before they were all standing tall and proud. when I turned the lights on they slowly sink in and get smaller. I turned the lights off at 6 pm and they all got bigger and full again. Is it possible the 130 watts is too much for them?
  3. heirfaus

    VIDEO question: growth/bleaching

    So I have been running about 50 watts of light for 2-3 years and it has worked nicely. My corals didn't grow like crazy, but they did grow. I recently switch to 130 watts of light stepping from 50 to 100 to 130. Ever since, I have seen some undesirable changes. I used to have 2 very healthy...
  4. heirfaus

    PIC Weird Black thing...what is it??

    I have had this in my tank for about 2 or 3 years, but it was always on the back side of a rock and about 1/2 inch in diameter. Since I moved and got my bigger tank I rearranged everything and now it's in play site and about 3.5 inches wide. So what is it:
  5. heirfaus

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Very interesting post. It sounds as though we strip away alot of the nutrition for our corals when we use all our filters and then to compensate we add our special concoctions coral foods to feed them. Kinda stupid
  6. heirfaus

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Well I got impatient and did some upgrades. First problem was spitting out of the sides and splashing at the was out of control. My fix was to cut 3 slots in the pipe and hang screen in the outer two slots (which are very thin, just enough room for the screen). The middle slot is...
  7. heirfaus

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Originally Posted by SantaMonica Update: CFL Reflectors When I see a regular CFL bulb (not a floodlight) being used, I always say that it needs a reflector. Although it would just be easier to use CFL floodlight (which does not need a reflector), below are some reflectors you can use with...
  8. heirfaus

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Well I noticed my corals not looking so good and I had my water tested. Phosphates at .14 So I made this: Hopefully it works!!
  9. heirfaus

    Carinvore Snail?!?!?!?! *****VIDEO****

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy That's not a Nassarius vibex in the video. Looks more like a Beringius sp. or a Neptuna sp. Like most Whelks, Beringius sp. are omnivores. Bang Guy, Thanks a million for the ID. It is definitely a Whelks. Found this link:
  10. heirfaus

    Carinvore Snail?!?!?!?! *****VIDEO****

    Shyfish you bring up an some excellent questions. You don't see it in the video but that same day, the mushroom he attacked was full and open like all the others. I have not had any of the mushrooms in my tank die, in fact the keep growing and multiplying. I have one 4 inches wide. Also I...
  11. heirfaus

    Carinvore Snail?!?!?!?! *****VIDEO****

    I thought most snails eat algae or waste. I have seen a couple of my snails eat dead snails, BUT never have I seen one of my snails eat a living animal......until this week. I know of conical snails that can hurt or kill animals or humans, but I thought they were pretty rare. So what's the...
  12. heirfaus

    2 Corals....need ID please :)

    Do all Euphyllia require the same water flow/lighting conditions. I thought i had read that it varies.
  13. heirfaus

    D.I.Y. grounding probe

    +1 Very nicely put and having some experience and knowledge about electricity I fully agree
  14. heirfaus

    A few id's please

    No one answered your worm question. I had a colony of them about a year ago and they are so cool. As for your question about there size. I had them grow to about 2 inches long. I just took my sock off of my drain to my sump today and found a worm about 3.5 inches long living in it eating all...
  15. heirfaus

    2 Corals....need ID please :)

    Thanks for the replies!!! I thought that Hammers had "U" shaped tentacles. These seem to be dots? Maybe I will just have to wait for it to grow up, but I was hoping to find out what it was so I could place it in an appropriate spot in the tank.
  16. heirfaus

    2 Corals....need ID please :)

    Ok so I found one of them. The first is a candy cane. This is what it looks like when opened up: But I don't think the second is a Duncan from what I saw when I googled a Duncan.
  17. heirfaus

    2 Corals....need ID please :)

    So I have had my fish tank for 3 years now and never really went head first into it, because I new I would be moving. I got rid of the 55 gallon and got a 75 gallon when I moved and now I am really ready to get into corals big time. My first quesions are about 2 of my corals. The larger I have...
  18. heirfaus

    ID Please

    It looks like the beginning of a polyp colony. I bought a little rock that had 2 or 3 of those guys and they have reproduced enough in 6 months that there is a whole colony of them packed in there now. The open up flat and when the get a quick blast of water or if something brushes up on them...
  19. heirfaus

    A Family

    These are Bristle Worms. The are VERY beneficial scavengers. They seem to be photosensitive so they will usually come out at night. If you see 3 or 4 of them then you usually have about 20 or more of them. They like to live in rocks and dark places and then they come out in full force at...