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  1. accurate


    I want to raise my calcium level. I use Kent Calcium and have been using it for a while and can't get it to go above 410ppm Any help?? Thanks in advance..Ronnie
  2. accurate

    Coral Beauty

    i have a coral beauty and have had it for about 4 mos. It was fine for a while and now it's picking at my brain. The brain won't open up and throughout the day it goes by and picks at it. Is there any suggestions????;Thanks
  3. accurate

    Dripping Kalk !!!

    For those of you who currently are dripping kalkwasser, a couple of questions.... 1st - What do you use to drip out of? Homemade or Kent or Natureef aquadoser? 2nd - Is there any better way or are they all the same, meaning advantages or dis. on the aquadoser compared to other ways. 3rd and...
  4. accurate

    Anemones in YO REEF!

    I have one in my tank that has been in the same place for about 2 years. I recently bought a blue carpet and I thought it'd be pretty in my wifes tank. Well it ended up in my tank and for a while was a beautiful asset to my tank.. I woke up one morning and it was in the middle of my tank up on...
  5. accurate

    What happens when the power goes out???

    I agree 100%!! My power has went out several times and i paid for it. Sucked up water for an hour or so. I now have a small hole just below my water line and i tried it out and it works great.. I like to visit this website.. Such knowledge
  6. accurate

    will my snowflake

    Had one in my reef for about 2 years. He'll be fine just feed him regular and he won't try and hitch a ride on a fish. I've seen one grab ahold of a fish and ride him down to the other end of the tank. Good Luck
  7. accurate

    info on supplements

    get your calcium about 480ppm and then just add aragamilk, it'll carry your calcium load and keep it about 480ppm The only others I add are iodine and DT's phytoplankton 3 times weekly. Hope this helps
  8. accurate

    shaving brush??

    I'm no help with the nitrate thing but i also had two and my fish ate it like crazy..
  9. accurate


    I use aragamilk and have been for some time now. I like it, it does keep the calcium up good and I also put it in at night. You can also use the Kent product that's out Liquid Reactor. Although very similar, the only problem with it that I found was you had to shake it up very vigorously all...
  10. accurate


    May be a silly question but here goes. I have a refugium. Is there any reason to put critters in my refugium and if so, which ones. Thanks Ronnie
  11. accurate

    will this work for a refugium

    I have an old wet/dry i drilled a hole about 3/4 up, I have a maxijet 400 pumping out of my sump going through a spraybar, down into my refugium and back into my sump., then carried into my tank by a little giant #4. I hope i was some help..
  12. accurate

    whats green and black and moves like a slug

    saw one at a lfs yesterday.. Sea Cucumber.... That would be my guess..
  13. accurate

    Feeding a anemone

    I have a carpet and some condes too.. I feed them uncooked shrimp. I have fed cocktails but I think it would be better to feed shrimp that has not been cooked.. Enjoy watching them..
  14. accurate


    I have just started putting some anenomes in my wife's Fish Only tank. Need some color and some neat stuff besides fish.. The question is:: Do they need additives? And maybe which ones? I know besides food you don't add anything to the fish tank but this is new to me and I wanted to get some...
  15. accurate

    65k and 10k mh bulbs results after a few weeks.

    I'll share my exp with you'll and maybe it'll help someone I have german 10K and have had good success with them. The coralife ones I did not like and after getting them had others tell me the german were the best. I don't know about the others mentioned, I'd like to find out though, if they are...
  16. accurate


    I have used it and also have used Kent Liquid Reactor. Both with about the same results. However I do like the Aragamilk better. It does keep the calcium up and does a good job with the others. It does not (my exp.) raise the ph if that's what is needed. YOu need to use a separate chemical to...
  17. accurate

    hey Lord of the Reef!!!

    How big is your tank??????????? It looks very good. The powder blue is very pretty and I want to do one I just don't want to do the fish an injustice!! I know sometimes you can get away with doing the things everyone tells you not to I just try to be careful when I do.. Thanks!!
  18. accurate

    Blue Anenome

    I recently bought a Blue carpet anenome and it always seems to be putting off yucko stuff. Never had one to do quite like this and wondered if any of you had this type of thing happen to any. I'm not exactly sure if I want to keep it in my tank or transplant him in my wifes tank. All the other...
  19. accurate

    Powder Blue Tang

    I have a FO tank and need some advice. I want a Powder Blue Tang and I need to know your exp. on them. I have a fo 65 gal tank with a Mexican Saddleback wrass Bi-Color Angel Couple of damsels They are all fairly small and the Powder Blue is pretty big. Not huge but I think he'd be considered a...
  20. accurate

    Liquid Reactor

    Anyone used the Kent Liquid Reactor Yet???? I used some lately and do like it but just like the Aragamilk (by Carib Sea) at the bottom of the bottle you tend to have some sedimete. Can you add some ro water to this and keep on using it or is it waste??? Thanx in advance for the advice..