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  1. spongebob square pants

    fresh water dip

    thanks to all for your replys. I introduced the ick by adding culupra in a newly set up refugium. I got the culupra from a freind that had the ick in his tank and i,m still kicking myself for not doing a dip with it before puting it in. Right now the foxface has just one spot and no signs of it...
  2. spongebob square pants

    fresh water dip

    I got ich in my tank about a week ago. I have two clowns and a fox face. I know the life cycles of the parasite so you don't need to explain this. I was told by a LFS owner that is an aqaintance of my sister ( never did bussiness with him so I don't know if i can trust him, but why would he lie...
  3. spongebob square pants

    S.a.t. This is there web site I guess its not a chemical It,s a bacteria that out compeats the algea for food. Lfs said he had 2 people buy it , 1 person said it worked wonders and the other said he dumped three bottles in tank and it didn't do a thing.any body...
  4. spongebob square pants


    I,m Having a problem with hair algea. I know you have to find the problem before you can fix it. but with all the algea in there I beleive I am getting false readings on my tests.. (algea using up nitrates and Phosphates giving me good readings ) I use RODI water. One Problem is I don't have...
  5. spongebob square pants

    ophiura sand sifting star ?

    I posted a few days ago about my sand sifting star laying eggs. It got up on its toes and released a bunch of yellowish eggs into the water column. It stayed on its toes for about an hour and released so many eggs my water looked cloudy. when it was finished it buried itself in the sand for a...
  6. spongebob square pants

    Calling all who have a torch coral

    these also like a pretty good water flow
  7. spongebob square pants

    sand sifting star

    it stayed up on its tippy toes and a bunch of yellowish egg like stuff came out of its back.
  8. spongebob square pants

    sand sifting star

    I was wondering what my star was doing one day. Looked like it was releasing eggs in the water column. I'm not sure if they do that or not anyone else ever see this.
  9. spongebob square pants

    OT snow

    we've already got over a foot of snow and it isn't letting up. Suppossed to get close to three feet when its done. Hope my power does'nt go out.
  10. spongebob square pants

    clown in the brain

    Thanks guys any more pics?
  11. spongebob square pants

    clown in the brain

    I just got a pair of coral sea clowns and they seem to have taken to the brain. the brain dosn't seem to mind. Anybody else have pics of a clown hosting in diff. corals?
  12. spongebob square pants

    Sand Dirt

    do a search, type in your screen name, and you will find your old thread.
  13. spongebob square pants

    bio balls

    I took the bio-balls out of my wet dry a while back. All water tessts perfect 0 amm. 0 trites 0 trates. with bio balls trates were about 5.0. I read a thread that said the bio-balls add a lot of oxegenated water. My question is, is this a good trade off. oxeganated water VS. trates. or is there...
  14. spongebob square pants

    coral sea clown in BTA

    pic of my new fish
  15. spongebob square pants

    sand sifter star

    I must be lucky. I've had my sand sifter in a 55 for about a year. It was one of the first additions to my tank on the advice of LFS.
  16. spongebob square pants

    Hexagon or Bow front tank

    have you checked want ads in local news paper. this sight also has clasifieds
  17. spongebob square pants

    Maroon Clowns

    Thanks Maury, Any body else try this , The LFS around here don'tt get to many maroons for some reason and would have to order me a pair usually wild caught for about $120. I'm thinking for $20 a peice for Juvies on this sight its a lot cheaper and I have read that they should pair up if they...
  18. spongebob square pants

    Maroon Clowns

  19. spongebob square pants

    Screen names

    best cartoon character since Barney Rubble. Who lives in a pinapple under the sea? SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS