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  1. chrismilano

    Fireclown News!!

    my point exactly! For all the $$$$$$$$$ we spend on our hobby, if we dont revel in the small pleasures, we may as well sleep for a hobby! Cheaper and less water changes (unless you bed-wet...)
  2. chrismilano

    Fireclown News!!

    I was so excited to see my new fireclown adapt to the pink haitian anenome after just 2 days! Its pretty comical seeing a clown 3 times bigger thant he anenome try to stay hidden though! Alright, boring I know - but who else can I brag about it to!?!
  3. chrismilano

    Mandarin Goby question

    He will starve unless your tank is well cycled (6months plus) wih lots of rock. Good news is I just found out they are IMMUNE TO ICH!! The mucus coat they get at night keeps ich off.
  4. chrismilano

    I want to a a power blue...

    Oops - what I meant was a blue BOX puffer, not the little valentini-looking things. I want a nice CUBIC looking blue box. Ive only seen them for sale once in four years.
  5. chrismilano

    I want to a a power blue...

    Assessor is nice, but he'd be eel food. I would LOVE a spotted blue puffer (saw tons of them diving in Hawaii), but Im afraid of the infamaous "water poisoning" if they get sick. Anyone with experience on this?
  6. chrismilano

    I want to a a power blue...

    wow, thats a wake up call. Thanks - I;ll wait til the tank is empty.
  7. chrismilano

    I want to a a power blue...

    I would love to add a power blue to my 70 gallon, but before I blow the $80... Will either a Aurila Butterfly or a fire clown bully him? I also have a zebra moray but I dont think that will be a problem. I really dont have the stomach for another dead fish... Im just putting my toes in the...
  8. chrismilano

    my whole tank wiped out

    Its happened to me and I feel for you. Best thing to do is just let the thing cycle and stew for a couple of months until you're nice and recharged for a new start! Its nice to start over when your done grieving - I just restocked after 5 months. Best of luck
  9. chrismilano

    Why should I start at quarantine tank?

    I think the clown was ok, he lived 2 years and caught ick from a new fish. The queens all died as babies. Damn things are too finicky. True, an adult should have a 100. I would put a trigger in a 70 again though.
  10. chrismilano

    Why should I start at quarantine tank?

    Well, it cost me well over $1000 after 4 years, 3 queen angels, 3 clown triggers and God knows what else, but my qt is currently cycling. Thanks all.
  11. chrismilano

    Why should I start at quarantine tank?

    I have a 4-year old 70 gallon tank. Right now, its empty due to tragedies we wont get into here. I have left it empty for 30 days to eradicate ich. Now that I am FINALL Ich-Free, when I begin adding fish. What is the correct way to do it? I have a 20 gallon qt tank that is not currently set...
  12. chrismilano

    What to feed my CB

    that would be a copperband butterfly i guess. Mine Loved live bloomworms and brine shrimp. wont eat greens.
  13. chrismilano

    Trying to kill of ich - What acts as a Host?

    Thanks - I think Im going to leave my showtank empty for about 2 months so I dont have to do this again. I tried hypo with no effect. Copper or bust! I think I read that warming the showtank will increase the lifecycle speed of the ich.
  14. chrismilano

    Trying to kill of ich - What acts as a Host?

    I finally broke down and emptied my show tank to kill off chronic ich. 2 eels, trigger and lion are being copperized in a hospital tank. (using mardel coppersafe?) Now I just have to wait. My question is will the starfish, snails, and 2 cucumbers (red and yellow) act as hosts during the "empty...
  15. chrismilano

    Fire Shrimp vs. Cleaner Shrimp

    Wow - the thieves here in south jersey want $35 for a fire shrimp and $30 for a cleaner shrimp. I recently got 2 cleaner shrimp for $10 each here on, but I caught a good sale!
  16. chrismilano

    Best Ick-indicator fish?

    2 months ago, I lost 3 of my fish to a nasty bout with ick. My 3 eels (ribbon, snowflake, zebra) all survived and showed no signs of infection. I dropped the salinity in the tank to .016 for 2 months, but left the eels in the tank. The problem is that the eels could conceivably be adaquate hosts...
  17. chrismilano

    Can I add a Hawaiian Dragon eel to my 120G tank??

    $250? I havent seen one for under $800 in Jersey (I know, not wholesale). Thats a lot of profit.
  18. chrismilano


    I debated that for a long time, and it's just easier for me to treat the fish in the main tank. I just removed the rock and did hypo in my main tank... I just think its too late for the fish. The Volitan isnt eating and his eyes are blurry. Im 2 weeks into hypo...
  19. chrismilano

    cleaner shrimp

    I just went through this with my fish this week (with tragic results). All of your fish are infected whether they are showing it or not. I would recommend removing your live rock into a bucket of moving water and perform Hypo in your main tank. Remove inverts too. Search for hyposalinity...
  20. chrismilano

    Having 2 Triggers in one tank

    They get increasingly aggressive with age. I would personally only risk it in a 100+ gallon tank.