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  1. locoyo386

    What kind of butterfly is this?

    Thank you all, the one I got turned out to be an angel (falgfin).
  2. locoyo386

    What kind of butterfly is this?
  3. locoyo386

    Boeing 777
  4. locoyo386


    Well thank you all for the info.
  5. locoyo386

    Alright Boys and Girls, Sep has a tank question...

    Originally Posted by mantisman51 I used a straight razor to get the old one off. When I put the new one on, I first put the caulking strips on the top edge of the glass and kept one corner of the new trim open. I had to have my wife hold and place one side while I lined up the other. The caulk...
  6. locoyo386

    re-thinking egg crate.

    That is interesting, maybe the that type of plastic absorves a specific type of waves. None the less interesting observation.
  7. locoyo386


    Originally Posted by SCSInet Well if I were going to buy a Canon because of endorsements, I'd buy one because Maria Sharapova pitches them. eh, we all have our likes.
  8. locoyo386

    *****please Read****

    Originally Posted by danf1973 ok guys here we go.... One clown died the other on the way out again all levels fine! The fish get this dry looking scales then in 24hrs are dead=( Is it valvet, or maybe the "supposedly" new strand of Ich that kills fish in 48 hours.
  9. locoyo386

    tank without brace

    Originally Posted by coralreefer i have a 75 gallon display with a brace, but the one for my 55 gallon sump broke. BUT, i have baffles siliconed to the inside. is that enough to keep it from bowing? Well that is going to put tension on your silicone, it might last a while but there is also the...
  10. locoyo386


    Yeah I have heard the Rebels are awsome, hey if Andea Agassi likes it I sure can bet I will. I will look into the Rebels and see how much I have to learn before I buy one. Thanks to all, great info.
  11. locoyo386


    Is SLR a feature on camaras or is it a type of camra? Is ISO what controls the speed of the shutter? I am thinking of looking into a cannon.
  12. locoyo386

    Another one of my tanks

    Well last comment on this thread. I will take care of my tanks and fish as best as I know how, and I hope you all do the same. Thankyou all for taking a loot at my tanks (that I have posted here anyways), and wish you all good luck with yours. A side note I had only had 5 fish die since I...
  13. locoyo386

    Any picos out there?

    Originally Posted by bill109 hahah. no worries. free bumps to get peoples attention. i like seeing all these tanks I like seeing tanks too, that's why I have alot of them. Counted them today and here is the list of amounts and sizes both fresn and saltwater; A-S 2-1 2-2 2-5 10-10 4-20 2-30...
  14. locoyo386


    Originally Posted by Cranberry What kind of close up shots are we talking about? Well some people here have posted some amazing pictures. Wish I had the threads to show what I mean. The pictures are so close to the fish, coral or any other criture that you could see almost anything on them...
  15. locoyo386

    Another one of my tanks

    Originally Posted by mopar9012 i think the best way to put it is that it is like putting a roaming animal that travels large distances in a cage, it would go insane. Your fish might not have any signs of stress right now, he is still young and under some good care he will probably live for some...
  16. locoyo386

    Acclimating Live Rock.

    Originally Posted by Xcali1985 The answer to this question is pretty obvious and if you have ever ordered live rock online or been at a LFS when they received their orders the answer would be as clear as this. Take it out of the bag and put it in the tank, if you want to QT it fine. However...
  17. locoyo386

    Another one of my tanks

    Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor you can do all the ratios you want whoever you are. the fact is if you kept a dog on a 3 ft chain in your backyard and the authorities found out you would be charged with animal cruelty and thats EXACTLY what your doing with that fish. us hobbiest's try to...
  18. locoyo386

    Another one of my tanks

    Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor you can do all the ratios you want whoever you are. the fact is if you kept a dog on a 3 ft chain in your backyard and the authorities found out you would be charged with animal cruelty and thats EXACTLY what your doing with that fish. us hobbiest's try to...
  19. locoyo386


    What camara do you guys use to take up close and really good quality pictures?
  20. locoyo386

    Thoughts on my 28gal nano

    It looks really nice.