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  1. jrod4u

    I Made a Stupid Mistake... :(

    The same thing happened to me while ago. I did have some extra magnets from a older koralia, so I glued them onto the PH and it has not fallen since. Before fixing, I did wake up with a mini hurricane going through the system. The PH fell all the way down, unknown to me, and created quite a...
  2. jrod4u

    Pissy Kenya Tree?

    mine does the same thing, on and off I have heard many doing that, I think it is just a "personality" trait ;-)
  3. jrod4u

    Help with anemone.

    I say it is his money, let him keep wasting it. Gotta keep LFS in business somehow. He seems to be the one doing it. Since you are tossing money to the wind, toss some in my direction
  4. jrod4u

    Half my tank died!

    just my two cents, I am really surprised that people would start a tank without gathering all the info required to take care of it. I don't think I would ever start a large tank out without having powerheads for movement. I really think you should really read up more on requirements of taking...
  5. jrod4u

    Question about Duncan placement

    I have had my duncan pretty much placed right on sand substrate and also have metal halides. In the past 6 months, I started with 4 heads, and am now up to 15. The duncan receives low flow and I feed it once a week. Sometimes ya just never know how some corals will react and thrive in...
  6. jrod4u

    Should I switch salts?

    I use Aquacraft salt, love it----Just my two cents
  7. jrod4u

    Which T5?!!!

    I would have to say that I would just get halides if you know eventually you are going to get corals. Might just save time and money in the long run. Just my two cents ;-)
  8. jrod4u

    Looking at urchins

    I have had my pincushion for two years without any problems. I think sometimes you just have to take a risk and if it does not work out, then you know. In this hobby, there are too many variables with tanks, so everything is a 50/50
  9. jrod4u

    First CUC

    agree with previous post, by the way, wanted to say hello, small world, and pretty close to you in grand rapids
  10. jrod4u

    Moving Corals & Lighting ?

    I would start the corals low in the tank with the lights on few hours a day and slowly add hours throughout the week. Once you notice the corals opening up and look happy, you will probably be ok with placing your corals where you want, with respect to the type of lighting they need. I would...
  11. jrod4u

    Dare-devil yellow watchman

    I have a neon green goby that currently resides in the overflow. He has been there a month, and after fishing out a tang and blennie three months ago, he is going to stay. He is just too small to get, darn thing. My overflow is covered, so not sure how he got there, but needless to say, I...
  12. jrod4u

    help! something eating coral!

    ummmmm, gross ;-)
  13. jrod4u

    help with a 90g overflow setup

    Home depot or lowes, or anywhere they have plumbing supplies.
  14. jrod4u

    New Clown Fish having problems

    that could help changing the environment around, maybe confuse them a little. Give it a shot, can't hurt as long as you don't stir up sand too much.
  15. jrod4u

    New Clown Fish having problems

    Either those damsels need a spanking or a time out, hehe
  16. jrod4u

    Stop ordering livestock during crazy weather

    Personally, it is not your money nor my money, people will do what they want regardless, so let them do it. People will always buy online and all the complaining in the world won't bring a dead fish back nor will it deter some from buying. I think no matter the weather, shipping is always a...
  17. jrod4u

    What type of fish is this?

    Ya know I have to say, I really have not bought much at *****, an anemone, a goby, and that was over year ago and although I lost the goby, damn aptasia, LOL, the anem is doing great. I am not condoning ***** because that is all I have bought there, but sometimes ya just have to give them a...
  18. jrod4u

    coral banded shrimp question..

    Ya know, I have to say, I have had my coral banded for over a year now and added two cleaners about 4 months ago and so far so good. The cbs has never bothered anyone, however if he gets too close to one of the cleaners, man do they move. They look like they just fly through that tank to get...
  19. jrod4u

    Glass cages dot com

    We have a 120g from glasscages and almost a year and no problems. Very happy with the tank and I can say the only major thing was this puppy was heavy ;-)
  20. jrod4u

    This is a joke( writer is off his rocker)

    if someone wants to buy me a UV sterilizer, then I shall use one ;-) buying everything you want/need for this hobby is hard to do on a budget. With that being said, why not suggest alternatives that everyone can use, as opposed to buying a machine that is half a grand Just my two cents