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  1. jrod4u

    New Tank- New Life

    just my two cents, even though you are seeing inhabitants coming out, albeit small, and your testing comes out great, don't overload your system all at once. Get your CUC wait a while, then get couple fish, and go from there. I like the boy scout mentality, better to be safer than sorry, and...
  2. jrod4u

    Coralife Super Skimmer

    I don't know about the coralife skimmer, but I use a aqua c remora on my 120g and works great.
  3. jrod4u

    Have Live Rock but Tank Isnt Set Up

    I use tap water and mix with my salt. never have used dechlorinator and my tank seems fine over a year now
  4. jrod4u

    Tank moving suggestions?

    personally, I have moved from a 55g to 120g and even if I did have a smaller tank, I would more than likely just empty it out and move it. Considering time, money and effort you put into it, I would just take that little extra time to be careful. However, if you feel comfortable moving it...
  5. jrod4u

    I need some advice please

    Just my two cents, I would try to update your lighting when you can and deal with what you have right now. You can always add more corals later, but I would not put your tank in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can cause the heat to spike especially when you want to maintain a consistent temp.
  6. jrod4u

    The One Question-Answer Thread

    My two cents, a sump can also fail/flood when too much water is added to the sump itself, not just user setup. I turned off my sump to see where the water line ended, in order to make sure no flooding was to happen, e.g. when power goes out. Had that last week, lost power for 8 hours, thank...
  7. jrod4u

    Can I keep two Anemones in one tank?

    Just my two cents, I currently have a 55g with bubble tip and pink tip and they both get along great. No warfare as of yet, but they both seem content. Besides, the bubble tip is busy with my clowns newly hosting it.
  8. jrod4u

    Measurement for instant ocean

    Having a 55g almost a year, I do my water changes every 3 days approx. and I have yet to use a heater and powerhead when mixing my salt. I mix it everything up 24 hours ahead of time, every few hours I mix the water myself and before I put the water in, I add hot water to bring the temp up and...
  9. jrod4u

    Best "Sand Sifting" Fish

    yellow headed goby in mine is quite awesome. Really does a good job with the sandbed.
  10. jrod4u

    protein skimmer

    If you go with HOB skimmer, really hate to say it, because I understand the budget, but I got an Aqua C Remora skimmer for bout 140. I have a 55 though, but if you go through the right sites you might be able to get one reasonably priced. Just don't go for cheap cheap. Equipment like that you...
  11. jrod4u

    Aquacave Customer Service Horrible

    IMO, I would be calling BBB and letting them know as well, so just in case someone is not a member of this board, there will still be complaints on file with them.
  12. jrod4u

    A case of the avoids

    I do have to agree with most of those rules, however I have yet to quarantine anything and have yet to have any problems. Beginners luck possibly LOL
  13. jrod4u

    supplemental feeding of sand sifter..

    Personally, if I did not want it, I would take it back. Sometimes children need to learn life can suck sometimes and it is how you deal with it. But if you can't take it back, I would try like oysterfeast or phytofeast maybe something like that. I am no expert.
  14. jrod4u

    Protein skimmer & cloudiness

    IMO, and I am by no means an expert, but I had one skimmer on my 55g and it just didn't seem to clarify the water like I thought. I then added a filter with carbon and the water has since been pretty damn clear. So, it might be possible to keep the water clear with very frequent water...
  15. jrod4u

    Am I feeding them enough ?

    Every other day is pretty much what I do, brine one day, seaweed the next and alternate between them. Just remember, fish will eat and eat and eat, they will always seem hungry, even if they do blow up like a puffer, hehe
  16. jrod4u

    Question for SWF? Why Wild Caught Bangais?

    Originally Posted by Actually, it is a great question. We do not actively buy them, but they sometimes show up with the shipment. They are not on the restricted list althought they were up for inclusion on the CITES list last year and it did not pass. In my meetings with...
  17. jrod4u

    anemone question its an easy one

    I would get magnifica, natural to the clowns and not bad in color IMO
  18. jrod4u

    My 150g reef with pics

    well, I am sure I won't be able to offer much advice, but I can say nice tank big guy
  19. jrod4u


    Go whomever, LOL IDK, I am not really into soccer ;-) but have fun with your start up, I am having a ball and happy as a clam hehe
  20. jrod4u

    Too much flow?

    I believe also that clowns tend to be current swimmers. they do love going against that current. darn clowns. hehe mine do it too