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  1. jrod4u

    Protein skimmer opinions, please.

    I have been using Aqua C Remora, and I love it. Very easy to plug and play and does well with collecting waste. I converted mine to a urchin model, and have not seen any performance levels drop. Very happy with mine. I paid little over 150, but it is worth it. If you look around, you...
  2. jrod4u

    what is going on?

    I would either say one helluva sneeze or might just be sending out babies, but I am not an expert, but that would be my guess
  3. jrod4u

    PC Help

    I would try downloading firefox from mozilla. Internet explorer has had problems lately, and firefox seems to be an ample fix. Hope this helps.
  4. jrod4u

    got it all ready to go!! yeah!!

    Looks good so far. Nice aquascaping as well. Only thing looks like to me there is not alot of surface agitation. From what I could tell from the picture. Other than that, kudos.
  5. jrod4u

    And all before coffee

    Update: Everything seems fine and doing well, everything is eating and seems okey dokey. The fan is still in position, and actually, I have magnets for most but just the new fan has suction due to a wall on one side of glass that I really did not want to put a hole in just for one magnet. But...
  6. jrod4u

    Oh God help me! I just killed my whole tank!!

    sorry to hear, and yes, it does happen. It helps to think maybe this was a sign for improvement in the tank and this one will more beautiful than the first.
  7. jrod4u

    And all before coffee

    Picture this: You receive a package late afternoon on a cloudy, cold, wintery day. Excited, you tear open the package to receive new food, cyclopeeze, and also a new powerhead, totaling 3 in your tank. You assemble the powerhead together, then introducing to your inhabitants. Plug it in and...
  8. jrod4u

    ID Please.

    bleh, those pictures were quite frightening. If I had any of those in my tank, I would seriously probably get out of the hobby, ick LOL
  9. jrod4u

    35G Tank Diarrhea

    good start so far, but wow that first pic looked like you had sun in there LOL
  10. jrod4u

    Protein Skimmer

    +1 on BTLDreef, if it isn't broke, don't fix it ;-)
  11. jrod4u

    star polyp not open

    those actually look like yellow polyp colony, not star polyps, however, sometimes mine won't open due to getting blasted by PH. Adjusted flow and they seem happy, but mine have never been closed for a long period like that. Also they might just up and leave to another part of tank if they are...
  12. jrod4u

    Should I throw my brown balls in the sump??

    biting my tongue, biting my tongue, LOL I just can't elaborate on that post, hehe
  13. jrod4u

    Holy Crap!

    ya know, I thought of that at first also of it being colored, so was little skeptical, but it was still very very cool. Price tag was 75.00. I had to think, think, and rethink, but alas, someday soon, LOL
  14. jrod4u

    Holy Crap!

    Today I went to a not so lfs and they had a nice frag of orange frogspawn. I have to say, although I did not buy it, was kinda of expensive, it was absolutely beautiful. Orange color thoughout, like the green variety just orange. I have not seen one yet, and this was my first one, and I have...
  15. jrod4u

    Purple Up

    personally, I think if one can be patient enough and keep thier parameters in check, eventually you will have growth. I say let it happen, don't force it. I have only ever added suplements, i.e., calcium, trace minerals, etc.
  16. jrod4u

    What to do about sand...

    when converting I put the old sand in first and then added new sand on top, no worries.
  17. jrod4u

    first water change with a sump

    I actually still just do my water changes out of my DT. I have a 120g and I do half and half. Half of old water out, half of new in, half of old out, new in. Might be a personal thing, but that way I know everything will keep running and my water level will not change nor will I have a huge...
  18. jrod4u

    post your temperatures

  19. jrod4u

    New Tank- New Life

    LOL, gotcha and welcome and good luck in your new venture
  20. jrod4u

    looking for a certain coral

    my guess would be a sun coral?