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  1. black cobra

    Reef Tank Salt Mix

    Tropic marin Bio Actif.... dont waste your money. My Calcium levels were 300ppm and Magnesium was 1000ppm I have since switched to CoralLife by Oceanic and I am golden at 420/1250. It also costs $30 compared to $100 for TMBA
  2. black cobra

    Is it wise to add a carpet anemone all input greatly aperciated

    Start out with a Mini Carpet. Much much easier to take care of and they wont eat your fish They dont move around a whole bunch and are just as fun to watch! They just dont get as big
  3. black cobra

    hammer coral

    I have moved mine now 5 times because it has a temper and if it is not in the "perfect flow" it will be pissed off and stay closed up. Finally after a week I found the right spot for it and it seems to be happy..... for now
  4. black cobra

    Mini Carpet Anems

    Mine is a little bigger than a quarter but he acts just like a full size carpet. its fun to watch him engulf his food (small shrimp chunk or silverside piece) without the worry of your tank fish getting eaten
  5. black cobra

    what can i put in a 1g tank?

    Is this to have at your job or something just sitting on your desk or you want this for your house? If its job atleast go with a 5G so you can have something somewhat intersting If its for your home I gotta ask WTF
  6. black cobra

    Let's make some Reef / Fish Food!!!!

    Well on the first squid it blew up on me so thats how I found out where the ink was and cut it out. On the octopus I just turned it inside out and cut it out.
  7. black cobra

    just lost everything -__-

    I feel for ya man. You didn't lose those clownfish in your avatar did you? Cause that would totally eat a s%@* burger!!!!
  8. black cobra

    Do I have too much waterflow?

    This is why I love my Ecotech Vortechs for this very reason of being able to change things up with the press of a button. Yes there expensive as hell but after the initial expense, the positive outweights the negative by far. I'm just sayin....
  9. black cobra

    90G Reef & Oversized Stand Build

    Tank is completely cycled It took exactly 3 weeks and 1 day. I have great green algae growth on my rocks as well now, so its time to def. pick up a CUC end of this week. I performed my first water change last night since the tank has been up and running. Salinity: 1.024 Temp: 79° Ammonia: 0ppm...
  10. black cobra

    Appropriate Fish for a 55g reef tank

    For a 55G I think 6 Chromis are too many. I would also look into maybe a mated clown pair. A Kole tang would probably be a nice addition as well.
  11. black cobra

    Getting back into the fun of things

    Wow you really set this tank up fast and you have an anem. in there already Hope it all works out for you
  12. black cobra

    Green Mandarin in my 110g

    Such a cool looking fish Is he hard to feed? Did you get him to eat anything other than pods?
  13. black cobra

    24g aquapod Before & After (6 months)

    Is your female maroon clown almost completely black now? She looks amazing~
  14. black cobra

    a few new pics of my tangs

    Do you have a full tank shot? Is this a big shallow aquarium? Looks amazing from just the feeding pics
  15. black cobra

    Moving tank contents (Emergency)

    You really only have one option at this point and that is to move your stuff now before it lets loose!! It will be cloudy for a day or two but you should be fine. After a couple days do a water change as well. How old is this tank?
  16. black cobra

    is this a picasso ?

    That clown has some really nicewhite markings. For $20 hell yeah
  17. black cobra

    Let's make some Reef / Fish Food!!!!

    Oh trust me, my wife was gagging and was ready to kill me while I was making it She told me I had better have it all cleaned up AS SOON as I was done
  18. black cobra

    Let's make some Reef / Fish Food!!!!

    LOL..... Well with the likes of say Rods food, how much does that go for? $20 for only 6oz. I have 5 pounds for roughly $10 more. Plus I know exactly whats in my food that I'm feeding. I figure this will last me half a year depending on what I stock my tank with and how often I feed Yeah I have...
  19. black cobra

    90G Reef & Oversized Stand Build

    Well comingout of my 2nd week into my 3rd week I have detritus which is right on schedule The MR2 been pulling some nasties out of the water consistently. I love this skimmer!!! Also added a bottle of Tigger Pods to the fuge so they can start breeding Salinity: 1.024 Temp: 79 +/-1 Ammonia...
  20. black cobra

    Let's make some Reef / Fish Food!!!!

    Everything all chopped up/ rinsed in RO water and ready for mixing All mixed up and added a bottle phytoplankton, selcon, and garlic extract Bagged up and ready for freezing So for about $30 I have about 5 pounds of reef/frish food that should last me probably 4-6 months And now to clean up...