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  1. tlsohio

    Looking for opinions on moving corals??

    Hi All, I'm tiling my kitchen/dining/hallway and am going to have to tear down my 40g tank 10g refugium to move it during the tiling project. My question is... can I instantly move the corals that are in my 40g to my 120g without acclimation? All water parameters are exactly the same. My thought...
  2. tlsohio

    Derasa question??

    I think my clam is a bit happier, or at least it looks like it is. I've placed it in three different locations now and am hoping that it is in it's permanent site. However, I've been looking for information, with no results, on the act of the clam quickly opening and closing and moving the sand...
  3. tlsohio

    Help me upgrade my tank!

    +1 demanatee I have upgraded two tanks over the years with the help of my local reef friends and I agree with demanatee with some additions. Quote: Originally Posted by dmanatee I am no expert but I did the following for a move to a new aquarium 1.Get yourself some good buckets/ large plastic...
  4. tlsohio

    Microbubble Problem >.

    Burrito, if you need to adjust the elbow return, you shouldn't have to wait for a water change. Just have your Dad change it for you, all he had to do is hold the skimmer with one hand and change the direction of the tube with the other hand. But I still don't think that will completely get rid...
  5. tlsohio

    Microbubble Problem >.

    Sometimes when the skimmer is new, (not knowing if yours is or not) it will have a break in period and it's been my experience that in about a weeks time this should subside. Burrito.....if this doesn't stop, you may have to put a bubble trap on the discharge water flow from you skimmer. I have...
  6. tlsohio

    Looking for advice on adding new fish???

    I can't believe I forgot to tell you this, as it's important information. I did do something different this time with my fish at the direction of my LFS,(who I believe is knowledgeable) I did a "Formalin" dip on all the fish before adding them to the tank. Do you have any experience with this...
  7. tlsohio

    Photo Contest Rules and Regulations

    +1!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef I understand that you're trying to keep this a friendly and fun competition, but it has become anything but that lately. The issues can be seen clearly in the Best of First Month Polls. It was blatantly obvious that someone was creating accounts...
  8. tlsohio

    Looking for advice on adding new fish???

    Thanks again for the advice on Hypo. I will look up the thread on this and proceed. I have a small refugium that I keep extra macro algaes growing in, that can be disconnected when quarantining fish. Because I have used this tank so little for quarantine I use it for multi functions, that's also...
  9. tlsohio

    Derasa question??

    Again Salinity is 1.023. I battle keeping my PH down, which from what I have read different places seems to be the opposite of usual. I have attributed my well water to this problem.
  10. tlsohio

    Looking for advice on adding new fish???

    Thanks for the advice. Can you give me a brief run down of how to administer Hyposalinity. I already have PVC in the tank as well. Will Hypo get rid of all other pests as well?
  11. tlsohio

    Derasa question??

    Yes you are right, it is a Derasa, I mis-spoke. So what recommendations for a Derasa do you have? I only put it on the sand bed because it seemed very happy on the sand bed at the LFS. But I have not checked it's likes and dislikes. I will do that as well. Salinity is 1.023 which is where the...
  12. tlsohio

    Looking for advice on adding new fish???

    Ok, mabe I should explain a little further, I have fish in my DT's that are perfectly healthy and happy. I am saying that in past years, I have not had the best luck at adding fish to the DT, which has led me to refrain from adding much at all. So I am asking advice on what methods people have...
  13. tlsohio

    Derasa question??

    I purchased a very nice 4-5" Derasa clam about two weeks ago and when I purchased it, it's mantal extension was amazing. Now the mantal extension is not as nice. It was kept under PC's and a more shallow tank, (maybe a 55g). I have it on the sand bed in my 120 under 12 - 48" - T5VHO's. I am...
  14. tlsohio

    Looking for advice on adding new fish???

    Hi all, I'm looking for advice from the experienced, on introducing new fish to my DT's. I will start by telling you I quarantene everything for at least two weeks. This is what I have read to be an acceptable time line, given all are healthy and eating well. Two weeks ago, I took the plunge...
  15. tlsohio

    Missing greenstar polyp?

    I have found that when you move star polyps they sometimes need a few days to acclimate. I would just be patient and keep an eye on them. I would give them a week at least, before you see full polyp extension. I just sold a star polyp frag that opened up after acclimation to the new tank and...
  16. tlsohio

    Dennis's Saltwater World

    Glad to have you here! Can't wait for the video/pictures.
  17. tlsohio

    typhoon 3 rodi question

    I'm gonna through a wrench in things. Have you tried to tap your cold water line with a icemaker tap? This is very easy to do and not very expensive. You can buy an icemaker kit for about $6., it will contain the tap, tubing and some fittings that you probably won't need but come with the kit. I...
  18. tlsohio

    03 ACTINIC BLUE 420 NM vs BLUE 460 NM

    Quote: Originally Posted by PauloEsco Ok, so from film, you know that white balance and color rendition are aesthetics and personal preferance. What maximizes coral growth is lumens over time -- and more specifically than lumens is the lumens or energy that can be used for photosynthesis -or...
  19. tlsohio

    So I started a tank over a week ago

    Quote: Originally Posted by Slice This is another reason I recommended the OP to do their own research, hopefully from an acknowledged expert, instead of reading 40 different versions from 40 posters and confusing the reader. ^THIS^ is not quite right. Most folks do not cut up the shrimp. Some...