Search results

  1. po40cal

    FO to reef tank

    My girlfriend currently has a tall 25 gal. fish only,1 1/2 inch sand bed, hang on millennium 3000 filter,PH, 4 small fish(reef friendly) and some crabs but wants to change it to a reef tank. It has been set up for a little over 6 months and all water params are good. My question is how do I go...
  2. po40cal

    Typhoon III R O Unit

    Thanks for the help. Time to go make some water.
  3. po40cal

    Typhoon III R O Unit

    I just put this up and was hoping some one could tell me when you use the DI bypass and the flush valves. Also, the valve on the left of the pic is the DI bypass, correct? Thanks for any info.
  4. po40cal

    virus on percula clowns

    Would high alkalinity be bad for our two perculas that have some type of white virus growth? How can alkalinity be reduced? Thanks Paul
  5. po40cal

    white lumps on clowns

    Terry B. That would be the best describition I give. Someone told me that percs could be fresh water dipped for a couple of minutes and that doing so might help them out. Any opinions on that or anything else to do to get rid of this? Thanks
  6. po40cal

    white lumps on clowns

    Have had them about a month. Its a white growth mostly on their dorsal fin , but now spreading on other fins. (This is not Ich, I do know what that is.) Looks like a hard ``growth``, kind of round looking. They are eating everytime I feed and are moving around as if nothing is wrong. They were...
  7. po40cal

    white lumps on clowns

    I have 2 percs in a fish only tank and they have what I could best describe as lumpy white things on them. Anyone have an idea what it might be and how I could treat it. Also in the tank is a coral beauty, yellow watchman goby and a cleaner shrimp. All other inhabitants appear to be in good...
  8. po40cal

    fish only

    Can anyone tell me what kind of water test I would need to do for a fish on tank. No live rock , just dead coral a filtration system.Thanks.
  9. po40cal

    Red Slime Algae

    Chemi-clean by Boyd Industries worked for me, just follow the directions
  10. po40cal


    I recently moved to the Jacksonville,FL area and was wondering if anybody could tell me of any good salt water stores in the area. Thanks.
  11. po40cal

    I'm not the only one am I?

    In regards to this, does anybody have a good solution to spraying your house for bugs with a chemical that will not hurt your tank. I`m not talking about spraying the tank, just the inside and outside of the house that will kill bugs without hurting the tank?
  12. po40cal

    fresh to salt tank

    nope, just the Maracide
  13. po40cal

    fresh to salt tank

    I have a 55 gal reef set up now. Just wanted to know if the chems I put in this smaller tank would have in anyway leached into the sealent and have an effect on a saltater setup.
  14. po40cal

    fresh to salt tank

    I have a 25 gallon freshwater tank that I would like to change to saltwater. The only thing that I have ever treated the fish with, in the tank, is Maracide( for ick) about 6 months ago. Can I do this without any problems down the road and if so is there anything special that I would need to do...
  15. po40cal

    moving 800 miles

    Did you get a cycle after you set up your tank after the move? Thanks for the info.
  16. po40cal

    icon to the left of name

    Slothy, see my post about moving 800 miles. Would be from Monroe,LA to Orange,FL(south of Jacksonville,F)
  17. po40cal

    icon to the left of name

    You want to help me? tell me how to go about moving my tank? I do appoligize if my comments where not warrented. No one pi$$me off, just felt like I was being baggered for not being ``up to date``, . No offensive meant
  18. po40cal

    icon to the left of name

    Excuse me Mr RyeBread but I did not respond to my own post but I did edit it. Thank you for your reply but I can do without your scarcastic answers. I am trying to learn all that I can about this board as well as the hobby of reefing.Any info that I can attain from this site or just maybe share...
  19. po40cal

    icon to the left of name

    Now it looks like an open envelope with a black dot????
  20. po40cal

    icon to the left of name

    what does the camera looking icon to the left of my name mean?