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  1. outlaw69

    Ich all over the tank

    Good luck I just went through the same thing. Lucky for me my tank is f & LR so I finally used copper after using ick attack for two weeks. I lost 2 cromis a orange shoulder tang and a humu trigger. Mine turned out to be velvet the copper cleared it up on the remaining fish which I almost lost...
  2. outlaw69

    Orageshoulder tang

    Got one today seems tobe eating good. Anyone have one or had one how long before they change colors?
  3. outlaw69

    V-tail Grouper

    just considering adding one to the tank and was looking for some input
  4. outlaw69

    The best sand sifters ?

    75 gal going on 3 yrs 350 magnum canister filter cleaned 2 months ago going to clean later today Aqua medic turbo floater protien scimmer single bio wheel one power head one sand conch, pencil urchin,15 small hermit crabs suspinsion feeder sea cucumber yellow tang scarlet hawk alge blenny...
  5. outlaw69

    V-tail Grouper

    Any one have any exprience with a V-tail grouper or any input?
  6. outlaw69

    The best sand sifters ?

    I am trying to keep alge from growing on the sand By not having any luck with gobies I mean that they get skinny and die after a month or so my nitrates are 0 and everything else in the tank is healthy as far as I can tell I recently changed bulbs after two years I had a green sponge growing...
  7. outlaw69

    The best sand sifters ?

    Any ideas on the best sand sifters or cleaners ? Not having anyluck with Diamond goby or dragon goby. Fish or inverts ?
  8. outlaw69

    how long to cycle?

    I have not changed any water although I have considered swapping water from my established tank which all test good with some water from the new tank is this a bad idea? should I take a shrimp out of the freezer and drop in the tank?
  9. outlaw69

    mated pair of triggers

    70 gal with much live rock and a dogface puffer will probably be all maybe a miniata grouper that is still iffy want to see how the others do first Ido not want to over stock. this is my third tank and The wife and I have wanted an agressive tank nothing is in the tank yet still cycleling
  10. outlaw69

    how long to cycle?

    2 weeks the fish have been in the tank 1.5 weeks and the crabs 3 days the tank has diatom algea growing and has been since the 3rd or 4th day. I never did see any spikes but something has to be happening or the algea would not be growing right? I did not ck water the first 2 days could it have...
  11. outlaw69

    Flame Hawkfish Question

    good luck keep us posted
  12. outlaw69

    how long to cycle?

    I have been feeding the fish and I did buy the LR from a LFS with fish swimming in with it a store that I have been using for several years they have always been good and if there is any question about water quality or any other question they want to test your water and will not sell you...
  13. outlaw69

    how long to cycle?

    two weeks ago I have read that you can cycle with or with out fish? the chromis have been in there for 1 1/2 weeks they are swimming and eating fine and the crabs have been in ther for 3 days I read that fish would help speed the process. I used fish on my first two tanks and still have one...
  14. outlaw69

    mated pair of triggers

    they stay together and one is sightly smaller than the other one they are still really cool. most things that i read say to keep to keep only one to a tank but these two hang tight do you think this could become a problem later?
  15. outlaw69

    Flame Hawkfish Question

    i will have to say that my hawk is one of the most entertianing fish in the tank it will swim over tome or the wife when ever we goto the tank and in a way beg for food and it is a pig it will scarf up anything it can get into its mouth
  16. outlaw69

    mated pair of triggers

    this pair is about 4 in and came from some ones personal tank that had to be broke down very tame and spoiled got a hold on them waiting for my tank to cycle
  17. outlaw69

    Flame Hawkfish Question

    my clarki had been in the tank for some time and would pick on everything new added to the tank and got worse the bigger it got. i have had alot of people say that they are mean perhaps you could look into a less aggresive clown not sure which ones but there are some that are nicer. I was told...
  18. outlaw69

    how long to cycle?

    new 70 gal set up w about 80 lb of LR fluval 305 essopps protien skimmer korilia 4 power head about 40 lb of LR came from my 2 1/2 year old tank used nutra fin cycle have brown diatom growing 4 chromis and 10 hermit crabs check water every day every thing is good all zero and good ph
  19. outlaw69

    Flame Hawkfish Question

    oh yea i also had a clarki that had to go back because it ate the tail off of my coral beauty which has since grown back
  20. outlaw69

    Flame Hawkfish Question

    since the six line is gone rip he gets along well with the yellow tang valintini puffer damsel the diamond goby is a little skinny and stays at one end of the tank near his hole the lawn mower will just swim away and continue to eat the six line is what he had the most problem