Search results

  1. aj77

    6-line Wrassel

    Someone near me has 2 in a 180 - he says there are no problems with them. But yeah, they'll get your pod population down in a hurry. Another guy I know says his 6-line eats those baby brittle stars, pulls them out and plays with them...
  2. aj77

    fragging hairy shrooms

    How long have you had them? Mine just dropped another "baby" onto the sandbed last week - they will start to take over the tank in time, without careful management. If you want more, you can probably find some reefers in your area that would be happy to unload a few... kind of like xenia...
  3. aj77

    effects of adding sand in place of what I experienced today.

    I got my DSB of Aragonite from a guy who was tearing down 2 large tanks. It took us 2 hours to scoop it all out, and it smelled like the beach at low tide. Now a month later it's bustling with life, bubbles, algae, you name it. Let nature take its course, you'll be fine. The top layer will be...
  4. aj77

    What aquarium background does everyone use?

    I have black paint on the back of my 90. It is a very good contrast to the colors of the inhabitants, as mentioned above. Plus, it's kind of moody... ;) AJ
  5. aj77

    Do You Miss Your Tank When at Work?

    Does anyone else do this? While I'm at work, I find myself thinking about my reef tank - missing it, is more like it. No wonder my wife feels neglected sometimes! (At least it's not another woman...) Only 4 more hours, AJ ;)
  6. aj77

    Help Temp to high or is it

    80 is Just Fine! Who is giving you advice? <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Check him out.
  7. aj77

    Harley vs The Tank update

    "Here's the deal. Two things bother her about the tank. One, she really loves her living room and wants to do it her way. The tank doesn't fit in her grand view of how things should be." Do YOU want to take the role of decorator? Leave it to her; she has the nesting instinct, you don't. My wife...
  8. aj77

    why does no one ever give me advice

    There have been comments posted regarding the difference between gathering and distilling information (research), and posting all your questions for quick answers. The danger with implementing quick answers to your questions is you miss out on the learning process. Plus, what works for one or...
  9. aj77


    LOTR- Have you read about this guy's big move? <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Might help some... AJ :)
  10. aj77

    MH over FL lighting setup - heat problems??

    For those with metal halide fixtures that are mounted above your fluorescent tubes within your tall custom hoods: 1. Do the MH heat the FL tubes, maybe excessively? 2. Could this become a problem? 3. Do FL have a safe operating range (temp)? I've seen pics of arrangements with different...
  11. aj77

    55 gallon tank and want sump, refugium

    Originally posted by rhomer: <strong>My wife has two tupperware containers that are for wrapping paper. I was debating about using one of these as a sump. These are very long, very narrow, and shallow. I was thinking about this to setup many differnt chambers of...
  12. aj77

    ? about an electronic ballast

    I was told that IceCap engineers the ballasts to overdrive NO bulbs by a factor of 1.5, and that they underdrive VHO by up to 40%, hence the extended lamp life. So the story goes... AJ
  13. aj77

    does live sand die?

    If by "death" you mean "decomposition," then yes, I can relate. There is a lot of breakdown going on in the bed, and deeper might be smellier? AJ
  14. aj77

    newbie live sand question...

    If you search threads with DSB in the name, you'll get some great info, as I did. I was told to avoid the "danger zone" in-between depths (go shallow or deep). For calculating sand volume, the following formula was offered by a member here: L" x W" x DSB depth" x .0579 = lbs. sand needed If your...
  15. aj77

    DSB - Dolomite vs. Aragonite (any minerologists??)

    Q: Can anyone dissuade me from using Dolomite (sugar-sized) for my DSB? Aragonite is very difficult to come by here, and the LFS wants $49 for 30 lb of Carib-Sea. <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> General Information for Aragonite Chemical Formula: CaCO3...
  16. aj77

    controling algea

    Has ANYONE ever used a product called Algone?? I haven't seen it mentioned here, but have seen their website ( and it seems rather bold. Any comments? AJ
  17. aj77

    Up and running

    Some members here might counsel you against having your DSB in the "danger zone" between 1 and 4 inches. There have been a few threads lately talking about this very thing. (AHH, the 'search' function...) ;) AJ wannablkjc = wanna be like JC?
  18. aj77


    You are difficult to understand. Typing really fast? I'm from Calgary... Not Susan, I think. AJ
  19. aj77

    Proper depth of LS

    You need only search all the past threads on DSB and LS etc, to get a few days' worth of reading on this subject. The majority view seems to hold that a DSB/LR setup is most effective, but this has been expounded by many others with much more experience than me. :D AJ
  20. aj77

    6500k or 10000k? Which is a better metal halide bulb?

    Personal preference? 6500k, because it's not too blue, especially running actinics alongside. AJ